Friday, July 27, 2007

Day at Home

Today R, L and myself spent most of the day at home. We did take a trip to Target, which is always fun for them. My first trip to the grocery store with just me and them was only a couple of weeks ago. The logistics have been the issue in the past. How do you put 2 babies in a grocery cart and put groceries in at the same time? However, Target has shopping carts where 2 babies can sit and leave the cart free for groceries. I have got to get a picture of us doing this, it is really quite funny. We also went out to dinner tonight. G and I wonder at what point will we no longer be a show for other people to watch because we have twin boys? We don't mind it too much, but it is nice to be able to go out and not be noticed all of the time.

One of R and L's favorite toys is their little tent. They love to open the door and crawl inside and out over and over again. Their favorite part of it is the doorbell. They will both hit it continiously in order to play the music and watch me and G dance (while they bounce up and down with us)

We also have a play room where the boys tear everything up every day. I put it back together each night and they go straight there in the morning and start throwing things around again. I think that if I just left it messy they wouldn't like it, they take great joy in tearing up a clean area. I've added a few more pictures below. They each are starting to ride their little horse some. They don't quite get how it works yet, but they are having fun just sitting on and letting me bounce them. I also added a picture of R and L and their favorite pet, Davis. They love to pet Davis and pull his hair out. So far, the cat has been very patient about this, he's only tried to bite one of them once (and they deserved it).

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I just love reading about your twin boys and seeing how my twins are so much like yours! I may have to check out that tent thing, it looks pretty cool.