Sunday, August 5, 2007

Busy Weekend

R and L's Nana and Grandad were here for the weekend. We had a lot of projects to accomplish and most of them were done by the time they left today. Poor Grandad was hoping to come and visit in order to play with the boys, but he spend a good chunk of the weekend helping us get some things done, which is greatly appreciated. My bedroom was painted, curtains were put up in 2 rooms, pictures were hung in R and L's playroom, and the cords hanging down the wall from the TV were finally covered.

We did have fun taking the boys and their grandparents to a German restaurant in Fort Worth on Friday. Both boys discovered that they love schnitzel, L ate enough to feed an entire army of babies. Our server called L juicy and R had his own fan club there with one of the kitchen people, she even ran to the door when we were leaving in order to tell R goodbye.

Last night after the boys had their milk and "Goodnight Moon" read to them, we said it was time to brush teeth. L immediately took off for the bathroom and sat in front of the door and waited for us to get there. We thought it might have been a fluke, but he did the same thing tonight. L dropped his toy and took off for the bathroom as soon as I said "brush teeth." It is funny what they pick up on. We had no idea that he enjoys having his 8 teeth brushed, it usually seems like a battle every night to get him to cooperate.

L is pushing R on their bus in this picture. I think that they are getting closer to walking every day.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Pushing a similar toy helped my slow-to-walk one. He got the confidence to do it on his own. And even though everyone says you shouldn't be in a hurry for them to walk, I was. And I am soooo thankful they can walk now. Even though B won't walk on any outside surface. At least I don't have to carry his so much anymore. They get heavy!