Sunday, September 9, 2007

Happy 15 Month Birthday and Opening Day of Football

The boys turned 15 months old on Friday. We celebrated by taking them to the doctor for their check-up and to get more shots. When we first started going to the doctor, I would never let the boys touch anything or play with any of the toys. I'm past that now. They had a good time playing with all of the stuff in the waiting room and then opening and closing drawers in the exam room. They were also both very loud while we waited. That was fine with us, because the doctor was next door with a woman who was sharing every detail of her daughter's daily routine and taking longer than her allotted appointment time. We love our doctor because she really spends time with us, but she also spends forever with everyone else. One time, we waited 4 hours to see her for an ear infection check-up. Despite all of that we will greatly miss her when we have to move. (By the way, we are moving to Colorado in the next few months - Greg is thrilled; me, not so much - I love my job and I love living here.) As for their checkup, they are doing great. The doctor was very impressed with how social they both are. She said her 15-18 month old babies usually cry while she examines them. Not R and L, they love to flirt with her. R now weighs 26 lbs, 3 oz (70%) and is 31 1/2 inches tall (55%). L weighed in at 29 lbs, 6 oz (95%) and is 30 1/2 inches tall (30%). L really does looks like he is slimming down, but he gained 3 pounds since is 12 month checkup.

Today is opening day of football for the Broncos. Greg continued the tradition set last year by yelling at the TV and making the boys cry. Besides that, they were really cute today in their Bronco Jerseys. Below are last year's opening day picture with Daddy and today's picture. L is in blue and R in orange in the first pictures. Today, L is on the left and R on the right.

I've been very busy with work and dealing with the stress of the upcoming move to post any this week. Hopefully things will calm down this week and I can find time to take some pictures and post. Some things that they have done this week - L did not have an ear infection, he was cutting 2 molars at the same time (that would make anyone fussy). R sorta has said a word - he is saying "ha-ppy." I'd love to think that happy is his first word, but I don't really think he knows what it means. However, at Cindi's, she thought he was saying "Abbie" which is her daughter's name and R loves her. It makes more since for him to say Abbie than happy. L is walking more and more and getting more steady on his feet, although he fell against the coffee table today and had his first bleeding incident (but it wasn't too bad). They are a ton of fun. Whenever I go out with them, people make comments about how hard twins must be. I always respond by saying that they are such good boys. I love every stage of their development. They are a lot of work, but they have been so worth it. I do wish that they would stop throwing their food, though.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Candy, I get that comment too. "I don't know how you do it", or "Double Trouble". No one ever stops to consider how much FUN they are! I love to watch mine play together. Lately they chase each other. One will hide the other will find him. Twins are indeed a lot of work, I will never say otherwise. But I am so thankful God gave me such sweet loving boys. I used to think He was crazy, because it was really hard at the beginning, but I'm beginning to see He really DOES know what He's doing! Best wishes on the move!