I've gotten really bad at keeping this blog updated. My excuse is a really slow/old computer and not enough time/or not wanting to use the time I have uploading pictures. I will try to do better.
I am now working again. I started the beginning of August off and on, but school started Tuesday. I'm working part-time, so I was off today, but I'll go back in tomorrow and Friday morning. As much as I enjoyed my time home with the boys, I am glad to be back at work. I've really missed my job and seeing students. Everyone I'm working with seems really great and I think I've been blessed with working at a really good school. Greg stayed home all day with the boys on Tuesday and he was supposed to keep them tomorrow and Friday, as well (Parents Day Out starts after Labor Day). But apparently he can't hack it and he called his mom Tuesday night to ask her if he could bring them over to her house on Thursday. Ha! He will say it is because he also has to work, but I say, whatever, he can't handle them all day.
My parents came last week and what was supposed to be a little project of painting the boys' playroom, turned into an all week project. My poor dad took off work for the 1st time in 2 years to spend time with his grandsons, and he spent the week painting. I think he enjoyed it overall. I promise no projects over Thanksgiving (at least for now). So I've finally taken some pictures of the house, but only those areas that are done. We still have more to do, but we are now alot closer to being totally moved in.
New things:
Both boys love to whisper at the dinner table. They also like to scream, but the whispering is a nice break. They like to whisper as softly as possible, "Hi Mama" "Hi Daddy" and then see if we whisper their names back. This has become an endlessly fun game for them every night.
We gave the boys a sandbox for their 1st birthday, but finally put sand in it last week. They love it. However, they can take the lid off on their own, so they have to be constantly watched if I don't want them in there all the time (because it requires a hose off in the backyard and then a bath). The top picture is of them sneaking in their sandbox yesterday, they were filthy. I stripped them of their clothes and hosed them down when it was time to come inside. They hate the water hose. It was funny to see 2 crying naked boys run up the hill to get away from the hose.
Below are the 2 pictures of the boys I had to take for their Parents Day Our registration packet, I thought they turned out cute.
I leave you with another of L's artistic creations. It is a car. For real, he drew it himself and said it was a car. I wish I could get him to draw like this on paper with crayons, but he loves his magna-doodle.
OMGoodness...I miss them!!!
And, wow, I can't believe Mr. L is drawing objects already!!! I hope they love their new school!!!
Kiss them both for me!!!
Whatever. You try working a full time job and taking care of two banchees at the same time. It's alot different when all you have to do is take care of them. I can hack them just fine, thank you very much, but I would also like to sell instruments so they can eat once and a while.
Cutie pies!
Okay, the bike trailer. We got the cheap one, the $99 instep model. I'd advise you to get something different. It's a very good trailer, I have not had any problems with it. however, it's already a little crowded with my boys. They are probably around 30 & 35lbs. So if I had it to do over again, I would try to see them in person and put my boys in the trailer before I purchased one. Maybe there is one that is more roomy. But they do enjoy riding in it. It's a workout, let me tell you! You also may want to get one that will convert into a jogging stroller. If you do get one, be sure to post about it so I can see it!
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