Greg had to work downtown yesterday, so I thought it would be fun to ride the light rail with the boys to meet him for dinner. Ryan and Luke were so excited about riding the train that I had to threaten that we would not go if they did not take a nap (which totally worked). We had a good time and they were fascinated by the whole thing. We met Greg and had dinner and drove with him back home. I think it will be a fun thing to do when my sister and her kids come this summer.
Not a whole lot else has gone on. We've been dealing with beautiful weather during the week and nasty wet/snowy weekends for the last several weeks. I'm grateful to work part time so the boys and I can enjoy it during the week. Below are pictures of the boys enjoying being outside. Luke asked me take his picture by his house, so I was happy to oblige.
Ryan and Luke in their house.
Happy Ryan.
Happy Luke.
Things this week:
Both boys got a timeout for dumping the dogs' water outside. Greg had warned Luke not to touch it and about 30 seconds later we heard the sound of an empty metal bowl hitting the ground. He went outside and told Luke he was going to get a timeout for dumping the water and Luke said, "Ryan get time out, Ryan did it." Greg asked Ryan if he dumped it and he said, "Luke did it." This was a first (of many to come) of the boys blaming the other for something they did wrong.
We put one of our 3 cats to sleep in January. We had had him since our first year of marriage. He was found in the hallway of the school where I was working. He was a sweet cat, but incredibly stupid. He was at the very bottom of the totem poll once the boys were born and he had been on a short leash with us for some time. While we were in Lubbock for Christmas, Jackson (nicknamed Floofy) destroyed our house, which was the last straw. We put him asleep the next day. Anyways, the point of this story is to say that the boys continue to ask about him on a weekly basis. I'm not going to lie to them and make up some story, so I've told him he was sick in the head and we put him to sleep. Ryan has taken that to mean that Floofy is asleep in Mama's bed. I've clarified that he is dead (which I know they don't get, but again I'm not going to lie to them about this), but they still ask. We had no idea that the boys even liked him and we certainly didn't expect them to continue to ask, but they do. Luke asked me tonight to spell Floofy's name so he would know how to spell it with his letters.
Funny thing happened tonight while we were watching the President's news conference. Greg asked the boys who was speaking (I had tried to tell them during the Inauguration). Ryan told him it was Donna Corbell (my mom). I know that they know Nana's name is Donna, but I didn't know they knew the Corbell part. Greg and I thought it was so funny, especially since she would most likely not want to be associated with him (we're fans, she's not).
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