We went to the Littleton Family Night concert on Friday. It was a really good concert with great fireworks at the end. Jonny, Jenny and Thomas joined us and we had a picnic and enjoyed the atmosphere.
Other things going on - I went back to work last week, so that has made things a little more hectic. The boys spent last Wed.-Fri. with their grandparents. I worked half the day today and Greg took off to watch them. My mom gets here tomorrow and will stay for the next week in a half, then the boys will go back with her to Lubbock for a week. Their school doesn't start until after Labor Day, so that takes care of most of August - we'll just have to come up with something the first week in September.
Progress has been made on potty training. We started a new reward/sticker chart system that has really been working. They now spend most of the day in underwear while we're home and they're doing a good job at telling us when they need to go. So maybe they will be ready by the time their school starts. The reward system consists of them earning 5 stars a day for going potty and then they get to go to Target that night to pick out something from the dollar section. Three days in row=ice cream (we went to Cold Stone on Sunday - Luke wanted strawberry ice cream and chocolate syrup and Ryan selected cotton candy ice cream with M&Ms) and 7 days (which will be tomorrow) will another trip to Target to pick out a car. The dollar selections have been funny. The first night, Ryan picked out a toy clock and Luke picked out a small step stool and he called it his table for Ernie (which he also sleeps with). Last night Luke picked out alphabet stickers and a floor mat and Ryan picked out a bottle opener and Palmolive dish soap. Crazy stuff, but it is their choice.
Both boys scored a goal in their last soccer game. Luke helped to assist the other team on scoring another goal on his own team, but then he scored a real one completely on his own. Ryan scored a goal, as well, but it was with a great assist by the one girl on their team who is by far the best player. They were both really proud of themselves.
The boys built houses with their Lego blocks last week.
Luke is more interested in snack and goofing around than playing soccer - but he has fun.
Lastly, a video of Ryan dancing at the concert.
1 comment:
hey, we have that Elmo underwear!
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