After snow earlier this week and frigid cold temperatures last week, we were all anxious to get out of the house today and enjoy the near 60 degree temperatures. We took the boys to a nearby park with a sledding hill and they had an absolute blast.
The boys had fun sledding down the huge hill and didn't mind too much having to carry their sleds back to the top.
I went down a few times while Greg stayed at the top to push them down - except in this picture when Greg slid down to the car. We got the boys little sleds for Christmas that are big enough to sit on only. They don't quite have the hang of those yet because it requires balancing backwards some on your rear-end to make it go. I went down a few times on it - but the last time I hit a little snow jump and flew high enough in the air to come down hard on my tailbone - I am embarrassed to say that I have a sledding injury, but my butt really hurts. The boys have been really concerned about me and I've gotten a lot of "I love you, mama" and "I'm sorry that you hurt yourself" comments from them today, accompanied by a hug and kiss.
Greg is going out of town tomorrow for the week, so we celebrated our Valentine's dinner tonight, complete with a chocolate fondue dessert.
The boys are going to give their first class Valentine's cards tomorrow at school, so they spent some time today writing their name on a card for every student in their class.
Greg was out of town last week and didn't get home until late Friday night. When there is a night that he is out of town that doesn't fall on a school night, the boys and I have a date night. Friday night consisted of ordering pizza, making chocolate covered strawberries, watching a movie (Finding Nemo) and eating popcorn. They love these nights.
We got Ryan these robots for Christmas last year and he and Luke played with it occasionally. But they have recently moved them into the living room and they have had a good time challenging themselves by balancing the robots into different formations.
Luke made these little paper people a few weeks ago - it is his family (I'm the one with hair) and he wanted to frame it like we do with other family photos. He was so excited to go to Michaels a couple of weeks ago to find a frame and mat to fit all 4 of us. After I put it together in the frame I showed Luke and he said, "I love you Mama, you do the best things." He is such a sweet boy.
This is one he painted at school of me and him - it is now in my bedroom.
Ryan painted this on Friday - it is also one of me and him - I need to frame it, too (my favorite part is my big purple head).
I love my sweet boys. They are such great kids.
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