Today was a gorgeous day to spend outside, which is what we did. We finally made it to our neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt this year - for some reason we have missed the last 2 years (out of town, I think). The boys had so much fun - there were about 1000 eggs for about 3 dozen kids. There were so many eggs to grab that the boys ran past the vast majority of them before picking any up. After our egg hunt we went to the Littleton Historical Museum for the sheep shearing. It was really pretty cool to see them shear the sheep, weigh the wool, spin it into yarn, and dye the yarn (which you could then purchase if you were into knitting). They also had a sheep herding demonstrate with sheep dogs. The command for stopping the dog after it has herded the sheep is "that will do" - just like in the movie Babe.
Getting ready for the hunt to begin.
And they're off.
I didn't take many pictures at the museum - but I was impressed with how close these sheep were willing to get to us.
After the museum, the boys wanted to go to the nearby park - we told them they had only had a few minutes, so off they ran.
It was a great day to get out and have fun. Tomorrow, we will be spending it working in our backyard.
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