The boys are loving school. Luke is in love with his teacher and Ryan is in love with being at a big school and doing new stuff. Luke did tell me on the second day that he didn't have anybody to play with and we talked about ways to make friends or to ask to play with others. The next day Luke told me he had a new best friend named Henry. But by Monday afternoon he said that nobody would play with him. I asked him if he asked some kids if he could play with them and he said he asked every single kid in his class and they all said no. (I had already checked in with his teacher when I saw her as I was picking them up from school and she told me Luke was playing with other kids - Luke does like to play by himself but he would tell us the same thing last year, but in reality he had friends and played with them daily). Ryan's reaction to Luke was so funny (and ironic based on how much they fight), he said, "What! They won't play with my brother! How rude! I am going to talk to your class." They then spent the next several minutes problem solving on ways to make friends - it was so sweet and funny. Overall, they are making friends and having fun. Ryan likes to tell us about lunch, PE, music and recess and Luke likes to tell us about his teacher, the books in her room, all of the learning centers, and art class.
We went to Loveland this weekend to see our friends Tim, Stephanie and Mackenna and to meet their new baby, Connor. They moved back to Colorado this summer and it will be great to see them more often. Ryan asked to hold "it" for the picture - he was really very sweet. Here is a picture of the boys with Mackenna when she was a baby. We also went to the corn festival while we were up there and the boys got the giant snow cones shown at the top.
The boys love for Greg to give them both a piggy back ride at the same time - I think these days are numbered - they are really too heavy, but they do love it.
Greg took Ryan with him this afternoon to meet a friend downtown for the end of the big bike race that has been going on in Colorado this past week. Ryan was excited to ride the train, eat out and watch the cyclists. Luke stayed home with me and we went to the pool. It was so much fun to take just one to the pool - we had a great time. Luke practiced tons of swimming, went down the slide for the first time and he was even brave enough to jump off the diving board. He was a little scared the first time, but there were two boys in his class there who helped to convince him that he could do it (now he has 3 friends at school and counting). He loved it. He did have to swim a good little ways from the diving board to the side of the pool, but he did great. He was so proud of himself.
We had a good weekend, but we are looking forward to a long one next weekend. We hope stay home and get some stuff done around the house.