My little boys went to Kindergarten today! They have both been excited and nervous about it for most of the summer (especially Ryan). On Tuesday, they met with their teachers for a 20 minute one on one meeting. That really helped Ryan feel a lot better about starting school today. That didn't stop the night before and morning of school jitters (I remember not being able to sleep the night before school - I still feel that way most years). Luke told me this morning that he thought he was going to throw up. Greg and I got there a little early to avoid the crazy traffic jam and to let them play on the playground before it got too crowded. But before long, there were 3 classes of Kindergarten kids on the playground plus lots of nervous parents with cameras. It led to a somewhat chaotic sending off into class.
After the bell rang for school to start, the kids lined up outside their classroom and the teachers took them in. Luke did OK with this - a little unsettled, but he was fine saying bye.
Ryan, who can get easily overstimulated, found the throng of parents to get through in order to get in line pretty unsettling. He started to cry and we had to reassure him it would be OK and that we would both be there to both be there to pick him up after school.
I was worried all day about Ryan. I knew that if he didn't have a good first day, it would take him a long time to get over and we would have a hard time getting him to school each morning. After school, Luke came out of his class first and was so excited to show us what was in his backpack. His teacher said he had a great day. Ryan then jumped out of his classroom and with a big smile on his face said, "I had a terrible day." Then he said, "Just kidding, it was so awesome!"
Previous photos of their first day of (pre)school:
1 comment:
I am so proud of them and so glad their first days were awesome!! Give them hugs and kisses from me!!
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