The boys got new sleds for Valentine's Day. We opted to give them their gift a couple of days before Valentine's because the weather was perfect today to go sledding.
Here goes Luke:
Ryan was really great on his sled - he was so fast I could barely get any pictures of him.
It was a long walk back up to the top - but there was no complaining and even some running so they could go again.
They had a blast and they were only willing to leave when I reminded them that hot chocolate would be available when we got home.
Other things the week:
Friday was Crazy Hair Day at school. Luke was not interested, but Ryan was so excited about it. I had to use a ton of gel and hairspray to get his hair to stay up. Ryan thought he was so cool.
We also had the Science Fair. Luke's experiment was the best way to wash hands (hand sanitizer was slightly better than soap and water). Ryan's experiment was the expansion of liquids when frozen (Diet Coke expanded the most, maple syrup was the least).
We are now looking forward to a hopefully uneventful and not too busy week - Greg will be home and we always love that.
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