Monday, September 2, 2013

Summer Cousin Time

Aunt Conny, Olivia and Jacob visited us at the end of the summer.  We had a great time hanging out at home and around town.  We also spent a day at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo and the Colorado Renaissance Festival. 
 One of my favorite childhood memories is feeding the giraffes at this zoo.  My parents and I took the boys about 3 or 4 years ago, and Conny and I took Olivia about 8 years ago.  It was the first trip for Jacob and Greg.  I think everybody loved it.  The zoo no longer feeds the giraffes crackers - they've switched to lettuce - but the giraffes seem to eat it up just like before.
The zoo is well known for their giraffe breeding program.  The kids were all excited to feed the baby giraffe.  I read in the paper a few days later that there were was another baby that was born the week before, but they hadn't introduced him to the public yet.  It will be a good reason to go back.

 The kids all got a kick out of the simulated rhino marking exhibit.
 They also had a great time playing on the zoo playground.
 The next day we headed to the Renaissance Festival, minus Greg.  He wasn't interested in joining us, but the rest of us had a good time.
 Ryan really enjoyed the jousting.  He really got into cheering for our knight.
 All the kids had a great time on the swinging ship.
 Aunt Conny had fun for about 1 minute before she was ready to get off.

 Ryan also enjoyed his own chance at jousting.  He was not successful.
And the boys and I had a great and relaxing time on the King's Swing.

Overall, we had a great visit.  Ryan and Luke love hanging out with Jacob and Olivia more than just about anybody else on Earth.  We always look forward to these visits.

Here are a few pictures from past years:

Thanksgiving 2011

Summer 2011

Summer 2010

Summer 2009

Summer 2008

1 comment:

nana said...

Sweet cousins loving each other ...... and for us, sweet little grands!!! I LOVE that you include past photos of them together. Grandad and Nana