Thursday, September 29, 2011

Nana Goes to School

Nana has been here this week helping me out some since Greg has been gone 4 out of the last 5 weeks. It has been nice having an extra set of hands around the house and getting the boys ready for school. She also spent one morning in each of the boys' classrooms.

The first day she went to Ryan's class. He was so excited to have her there. She got to help out with one of the learning centers. I did the same thing a couple of weeks ago - I think we both came to the same conclusion that Ryan and Luke are much better behaved than the majority of their classmates. They are both squirmy little boys, but they are good sweet boys (which we already know).

The next day she went to Luke's class. He loved it. There was a discussion in Ryan's class about what the class would call her - Nana, Ms. Nana or Mrs. Corbell. Ryan said he would call her Nana. Luke told her that he would call her Mrs. Corbell.

Nana stayed long enough to see the boys buy lunch. They take their lunch most of the time. But they always buy lunch on Thursdays because we have a late evening on Wednesdays due to karate and then eating out with friends (plus Thursday is pizza day, which is usually a safe bet).

On Sunday after we picked Nana up from the airport we went to the zoo. The boys loved the dippin' dots the best. I haven't taken them to the zoo since last summer. It was neat to see how much more interested they are now in learning and studying the animals. Ryan was especially interested in watching them for a long time.

My birthday was a couple of weeks ago and Greg took the boys to pick out their own presents for me. I often end of with some random stuff (like the time that Ryan bought me colored sanding sugar and Luke bought a bag of jelly beans) but it is a really sweet way to get presents from them. Greg did say that he had to steer them away from the costume jewelry.

Ryan picked out these lovely dangle-y purple earrings. He is so incredibly proud of them. He kept commenting that they are so beautiful and that they look great on me. I won't tell him that they really aren't my style - so I've put them on a few times when I've taken him to school and then picked him up after; he loves to see me wear them. I love how much he loves them and how proud he is of himself to pick out a birthday present for me.

Luke picked out a sweet silver bracelet with the serenity prayer on it. He liked it because it had words on it.

The boys are doing great in school. They love going every day and they are so excited to tell us all about their day afterwards. I'm glad that Nana got to experience some of it with them.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Go Frogs!!

On Saturday, we went the the TCU v. Air Force game. The boys had a great time and they loved having their Nana and Grandad there with us. They loved the fly-over by the F-16s, the parachute jumpers, the falcon hunt during halftime and the cadets marching into the stadium. But most of all, they loved seeing Superfrog.

It was almost too hot for the game because there was no shade, but it was much better than the alternative - below is the picture of me and Greg and the same game 2 years ago when it was 9 degrees.

Totally different weather this year - it was really a great day for football - made even better by the fact that TCU rebounded from their loss last week.

Luke had a great time playing with his pom-pom. Ryan had a great time eating his dipping dots, but I failed to get a picture of that.

I got this picture yesterday of the boys building their own spaceship in the backyard. I think they can turn anything into whatever is in their little imaginations.