Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Our Camping Adventure

We have been busy around here for the past week. Conny, Jacob and Olivia have been visiting us from Lubbock. The key to keeping 4 very active kids content is to keep them busy - so we've been all over Denver. I'll post more on that later, but this past weekend we went camping. It was the first time that Greg and I have been camping in several years and it was the first time ever for all 4 kids. They had a great time. We left Denver Saturday after the boys' soccer game and went to the Glenwood Springs Hot Springs, the four of us had gone there last year, as well. We didn't have as much time there as we would have liked because we had to get to our campsite before it got dark. We camped near Aspen and the highlight of the trip was roasting marshmallows and making smores.

Olivia and Jacob loved the slide and the warm pool.

Luke is our water baby and he had a great time. He had a huge smile on his face the whole time.

Ryan went down the slide once with Greg. He wasn't a huge fan, but he did like the pool and he liked watching everyone else come down. Last year, he wouldn't go on the slide at all, so this was a big improvement.

Luke is the most fearless kid. There are 2 slides - one that you can ride an inner tube and a child can ride on your lap (which is what the other kids did), and then there is a slide that you have to go down by yourself and on your back. Luke and I watched some people come down and he wanted to try it. We got the top and with no hesitation, Luke went down. I went down after him and the whole time I thought "what have I done to my child?" It was really fast, long, twisty, and somewhat scary. But Luke loved it, as you can see from his picture below. He went 3 times - twice with me and once with Greg. Greg was shocked after he went down that Luke wasn't scared because it kind of scared the both of us.

Below is me coming out.

After the pool, we drove down to Aspen and stayed at a campsite in the White River National Forest. My requirement for camping is to have access to a bathroom - and this campsite was great and beautiful. We were really close to the river and we could hear it roaring all night.

Greg and Conny putting up the tent.

The kids loved roasting marshmallows.

There is nothing better than eating your toasted marshmallow right off the stick.

Luke really liked setting his marshmallow on fire.

Ryan, as usual, woke up early the next morning, so the 2 of us went on a little walk to the river. After breakfast, we all headed down so the kids could throw rocks into the water.

After we packed up, we headed to the Maroon Bells to take the kids on a little hike. It was pretty hot, but they did great. We hiked about 3 miles along the creek and around the lake. Ryan is our little outdoorsman. He led the hike the whole way and would have been fine never stopping for a break.

The after hike treat/incentive was a bag of Skittles.

We had some super tired kids. This was on the bus back to the parking lot - Ryan fell asleep within minutes of leaving.

Conny asked the kids last night what the liked best about our camping trip - Luke said it was seeing the beaver den on our hike and the slide, Ryan's favorite part was throwing rocks in the river, Jacob's favorite part was roasting marshmallows, Olivia's favorite part was the Hot Springs pool, and Uncle G's was lighting the fire.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


We took advantage of the nice weather to take the boys on a hike today and this one was kind of tough for 2 little boys. We went to Devil's Head Lookout Tire, which is about 3 miles round trip, but the first half is straight up 1500 feet. The boys did great. We had to entice them with the promise of their own personal bag of Skittles once we made it to the top. With some minor whining and complaining, they both hiked the whole way up there and back by themselves. There were several stops and lots of snacks but we're really proud of how well they did. At one point, Ryan said, in his typical joking manner, "Somebody is tired. Me!"

Heading up the top.

One of our little breaks to let Ryan climb on the rocks.

Our only glitch in the hike was the thunderstorm that hit when we were almost to the top. It was beautiful and sunny with only a couple of small clouds in the sky when we started. But half way up it began to get cloudy and we were hit by one of the fast moving mountain thunderstorms. Fortunately, we were able to find a little cave quickly and we waited it out for about 20 minutes (while the boys had another snack) before we headed back out and realized we were about 2 minutes to the top.

The top of the mountain has a fire lookout tower (150 stairs up from the ground) manned by the same guy who has been there for the last 26 summers. He is probably about 70 years old and he lives in a little cabin right below the tower. He has to hike up his own groceries once a week along the same trail that we hiked up. He then spends his days looking from his 100 mile view vantage point for forest fires.

The rain made the view not as clear from this picture - but Pikes Peak is in the background. The picture at the top is from our trip down (with clear skies again).

We wore them out.

Also this week - I took the boys to the Children's Museum for the first time this summer.

And we went on a bike ride around a little lake not too far from our house.

Plan for tomorrow - relaxing. Not really - Greg needs to replace our gutters and I need to clean the house.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4th!

We had a great 4th of July weekend. The boys and I met Greg in New Mexico on Friday to head back home after a good week in Texas. Saturday night we went to Civic Center Park in Denver to watch the Colorado Symphony and a fireworks show. The boys had a great time. Ryan really enjoyed the music - he danced and clapped the whole time. Luke enjoyed listening to the music while he played his Leapster. The fireworks show was great - it started with the last 2 songs and then continued afterwards. Watching fireworks with your children takes the whole experience to a new level. This will be a fun thing for us to do every year when we're in town. On Sunday, we went swimming at our neighborhood pool for the annual 4th of July pool party. The weather was nice in the early afternoon and the boys had a great time - it was the first time that Greg has been able to join us at the pool this summer and they had a great time swimming with him. Sunday night we headed over to Greg's parent's house for a family cookout. The highlight of the day for the boys were the "fireworks" that Greg bought to set off at our house. The boys really enjoyed watching Greg set off Roman Candles and other mild fireworks in our backyard. Today we went back to the pool and hung around the house.

Beautiful view of the State Capital right before the concert started - we feared that we might be rained out, but the rainbow appeared instead.

Below - Ryan dancing.

Isn't he one of the most handsome little boys ever?

While the concert was going on above (complete with a light show on the City and County Building), Luke played Wall-E on his Leapster (which is a pretty cool video game thing that they don't play with at home).

Greg had a blast with the fireworks.

The boys are still loving their playset. Here they are this morning in their PJs swinging (which they would do all day every day if we were willing to push them).

Dad created a project for himself while he was here. He wanted to restain the playset so his 4 grandchildren could play on it this summer (Jacob and Olivia will be here in a couple of weeks). It looks really great and almost brand new.

New sayings from the boys:

Luke has started to say things like, "I have something shocking to tell you" and "I have some so sad news" when he starts to tell us a story.

Ryan likes to say "I's just kidding" when he says something silly. He loves to try to tell a joke.

They fight for the right to talk. We've tried to teach them not interrupt when someone is talking - so we get alot of "Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me" (said quite loudly) when one of them is talking and the other wants to talk.

Not much else it going on this week. We'll have our first week of summer with no plans or travel - I'm looking forward to getting some things done around the house (like cleaning out the boys' closet and painting the hallway) and spending time playing with them.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Lubbock and the Zoo

Lubbock hasn't been a zoo, but when you put 4 cousins together who love each other so much, it seems like it at times. The boys have had a good time this week with Jacob and Olivia. We went swimming one day and to the Science Spectrum another day. We also visited with G-Nanny and Jane and Charlie. We will meet Greg in New Mexico tomorrow to head home for the remainder of the summer.

Bubble fun at the Science Spectrum.

This looks like a sweet picture of 4 cousins coloring together peacefully. In reality, after I left the room, somebody (which would be everyone but Olivia) broke every crayon and threw them all over the room.

Luke was checking out Ryan's throat.

No trip to Lubbock is complete without a visit to Grandad's office and drawing a picture on his white board.

Jane and Charlie got their old toys out for the boys to play with. Ryan insisted on putting batteries in all of them and he helped Charlie put them in correctly and then screw the lids shut. One of the highlights of a visit to Jane and Charlie's is their turtle in the backyard. They've had the same turtle since I was in college and the boys were fascinated to see them. Mom pulled Tyler out (who is really a girl, but I named him before she had babies and we knew he was a girl) and the turtle took one step towards Ryan and Ryan turned around, screamed and ran to the house as fast as he could. He insisted the rest of the day that the turtle could run fast and she was going to get him.

The boys, their great grandmother and Mr. G.

Nap time in Lubbock. They played hard and slept hard. The 2 days when I let them skip nap ended up being an awful day for Luke. As mom told Jane, Luke without a nap is unbearable for everyone else.

Me and Conny with our kids. I'm sure we've taken other pictures of all of us, but the last one I remember was here a year and a half ago.

Video of the kids at the Science Spectrum. This was probably the 5th time they had done this before I took a video of them and they had the same reaction every time.

We did really go to the zoo. Before we left for Texas we visited the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo so we could feed the giraffes.

Luke wasn't too impressed with this giant gorilla sitting in front of him.

It was a hot day - we had to come to Texas for cooler weather.

Video of the boys feeding the giraffes.