Sunday, September 30, 2012

Corn Maze, Soccer and Leaves

 The boys and I spend our Sundays getting out of the house while the Broncos are playing.  Last week, Greg took Luke to the Bronco game, so Ryan and I got to hang out and get frozen yogurt and watch a movie.  The week before, the boys and I went to see Finding Nemo in 3D.  As much as I love that movie, I've seen it at least 50 times in the last 4 years - so the 3D thing wasn't all that special.  But it was a fun outing.  Today, we headed to the Corn Maze at the Chatfield Botanical Gardens.  We had a great time.  The four of us went 3 years ago when the boys were 3.  We didn't have such a great time then.  The link to those pictures and a precious video of them running through the maze is here  This time - we printed out a larger picture of the maze before we left and we made it through in about 30 minutes. Afterwards, Ryan and Luke enjoyed some kettle corn, lemonade, and some candy corns.  I'm not sure what will be on our agenda for next Sunday, but we'll figure out something.  I know that Luke really wants to see the IMAX movie Space Junk at the Nature and Science museum - we'll have to get on that soon before it leaves.  A day at the zoo and an IMAX movie sound like a great idea - hopefully our nice weather will continue for at least another week.
 We are also back in soccer this season.  Although our children as still far from being any good - they have improved a great deal over last spring and they are still having a great time playing every week.  We've been impressed with their improved stamina and their determination to at least stay with the pack and attempt to kick the ball more than they did a few months ago.

We all went up the mountains last weekend to see the leaves and get some pictures.  I have an idea to get at least 4 good pictures of mountain scenery over the 4 seasons with my new camera - and then blow them up on a stretch canvas to put in our basement.  I'm not sure how they will turn out yet - but it has been fun to take pictures.  It was a beautiful day and we went through an area that Greg and I have never been to before.  The boys had a pretty good time, but I should have brought some snacks along with us.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Cub Scouts

The boys had their first Cub Scouts (Tiger Cubs) meeting this week.  They loved it, especially since they were entertained by a magician (Ryan's future career ambition).  Greg and I struggled some this summer about putting the boys in scouts or not this year.  We tend to not over-react to inflamed media/political issues.  But we were disappointed in the national organization's stance on allowing people who are "different" to be excluded from the organization.  But just like many national platforms of large organizations - the official policy doesn't always reflect the values at the local level.  Overall, we believe Scouting is a great organization and our boys will only benefit from it.  We can teach them about acceptance, tolerance and respect at home and hope that their values will help to influence others in all of their future endeavors.  In the meantime, they are now members of Pack 461 Den 4 with 8 other 1st grade friends.  They can't wait to make their boat for the Rain Gutter Regalia next month and they are looking forward to the Pinewood Derby and the end of year campout.  Greg and I aren't super excited about the popcorn fundraiser, but we can get over that.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Opening Day 2012

 Greg's favorite day of the year has come - Opening Day for the NFL.  It is the day that the boys and I become Football Orphans and a Football Widow.  I kid -mostly - Greg is a great father and he is fully engaged in our family, except for 1 day a week for about 20 weeks of the year.  On these days, the boys and find something else to do - today we may go mini golfing.  Someday, they may take an interest in the Denver Broncos and I will have a day off - but that hasn't happened yet, so I become the entertainer.   I do like taking the Annual Opening Day Picture - I love seeing how much the boys (and Greg) have changed over the last 7 seasons.
 2006 - Season 1 - 3 months old
 2007 - Season 2
 2008 - Season 3
 2009 - Season 4
 2010 - Season 5
2011 - Season 6