Wednesday, May 21, 2008

R's Resucue and L's Mess

R had a very eventful day. He started the morning by being bit very hard by L. Shortly there after, I went up stairs to and found our bedroom door closed. L was downstairs so I knew that R was in our room, however, he had locked the door. Greg was gone and the key that unlocks the door was in my bathroom, which was inside the bedroom. I tried messing with the lock with a paperclip, a nail, and a screwdriver, all of which did not work. In the meantime, R had started to really get scared and he began screaming. I called Greg and his suggestion was to call 911, so that really was my only option. I find it really embarrassing that I had to call the fire department to get my son out of my room. But within a few minutes, the firemen showed up and rescued my little drama king. R was so happy to see them and R and L got a bonus by being able to go outside and see a real "ee-oo ee-oo" up close. The firemen even turned on their lights and honked their horn for the boys.
Who could ever be upset with this face?

L is the messiest eater that we have ever seen. He doesn't throw his food on the floor, but about half of it ends up there by the time he finishes eating. He ends most of his meals by his signature move of running his nasty fingers through his hair. Below is what happens when L is done eating mashed potatoes.

Other news:

We bought a house. Tara and I looked at 40 houses, 10 of them at least twice, and almost all of them with 2 boys tagging along. We actually found a house early on, but the deal ended up going through, so we had to start all over. We found the house on Saturday when we were taking Greg to look at my finalists. This house had just gone of the market the day before in a neighborhood that I liked. I walked in and knew instantly that this was the one. It is a traditional 2 story house with almost all hardwood floors and an enormous beautiful backyard that is perfect for 2 little boys. It is an older neighborhood where all the houses look totally different from one another and it is a really quiet area. We close on June 4 and we'll take the month to move in. I can't wait to be able to let the boys spend as much time in the backyard as they want without having to worry about dogs (because there is a dog-run) and cars.
R and L can now say each others' names. R says "Uke" and L says "Y'an." They prefer "bro" but they can now at least say their brother's proper name.
R's favorite word is "no." He doesn't use it defiantly very often, he just likes to say it alot, especially when he is stalling or trying to make us laugh.
I leave you with 2 pictures of L being a total goof while Tara and I were looking at houses. I stopped at Starbucks on my way to pick her up and the guy at the drive-thru gave the boys a Starbucks sticker. R played with his a minute and wadded it up, but L put it on his head, where it stayed the rest of the day. We went to several houses, lunch, and the Children's Place all with this silly sticker stuck on his head. The other picture is of L eating a lemon at lunch. He actually loves to eat orange slices, and he thought he would like a lemon as well. He ate the whole thing, but made funny faces the whole time.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Remembering When, Part I

As I was going through pictures trying to find one of my mom and the boys, I kept finding myself looking at all the pictures we have taken of the boys since they were born. I can't believe how much they have changed, yet I think that they're personalities still come through in all of the pictures. So, I am going to post several of my favorites. As I started uploading pictures into blogger, I have found that there are way too many for me to post in one sitting. So this post is part 1, but no promises as to when I'll get to part 2 and so on. I have 3 pictures from today and the rest are from the days after they were born up until Feb. 2007.

Here is little R sleeping in his bed tonight. Hopefully he won't wake until 8:00 tomorrow.

This is my terribly funny L. He is obsessed with what he wears and all of the various accessories. In this picture, he is wearing his belt and his monkey is wearing shoes. He said "Ee Ee Oo Shoes" which is his monkey sound. What I found most fascinating with L is the progression of how he has looked since he was born. He was smaller than R at birth, but he quickly and with no explanation, took over him and weight. He then became quite the little chunk, but he has thinned out quite a bit since he started walking last August.

I'll add more later.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to my wonderful mom. Thank you for always loving and supporting me. My children could not be blessed with a better grandmother and I am so thankful that you are in their lives.

Blogger is being a little crazy right now and not allowing me to move pictures. So, they're a little crazy. But the picture of L is with his new favorite accessory, his belt. And R is saying hi right up to the camera. The picture of my mom with the boys was when they were 1 or 2 days old and the one with both of my parents was around Christmas 2006, when the boys were 6 months old.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Messy Boys

The boys are now of the age that they are capable of getting into almost anything. L has discovered that he can carry a step stool across the house into the kitchen and reach anything he wants in the sink or the counter top. I discovered this new found ability this week when L got into the tomatoes. Greg had just bought 2 bags of tomatoes that come in the mesh bags. L loves tomatoes and he found a way to get them. I found him in the kitchen with tomato juice and seeds all over his face, shirt and the kitchen floor. He had squeezed every single tomato and was sucking the juice out through the bag.
R had a similar experience. I was in the garage for about 10 minutes going through some stuff. When I came back inside, I found a huge mess. R had gotten into the cupcakes I had made earlier in the day. He had eaten 2 of them and there were crumbs all over the floor (which he was stepping on and grinding chocolate cupcake crumbs into the carpet and the cracks in the hardwood floors). L wanted some of the cupcake, too, but R would not share. So L was left picking up the crumbs off of the floor and R's face. 3 cupcakes were missing, but only 2 were found. I still have not found that cupcake and I have looked everywhere. I'm hoping that they threw it in the trash can, I guess will find out for sure when we move.

New things:

L told me he needed to be changed when he had a dirty diaper. He knows the sign for change (which is rolling his fists together) and he has used it a few times to let me know that he is either dirty or wet. This is step one for being ready for potty training.

R has really gotten a hang of things at Gymboree. He loves to participate and do the freeze dance. L takes the time when the rest of the class is busy to have the whole gym to himself, so he doesn't always participate. L also prefers to help the adults hold the parachute rather than get on it with the other kids.

L says "excuse me" when he needs to get around me or Greg. He says "Meme Daddy" or "Meme Mama." R either says "beep beep" or he whines.

R has the ability to see or hear any train or siren that is beyond normal human capacity. He says "choo choo" when he sees or hears a train. And he says "weo weo" when he sees or hears a siren.

Below is L and the tomatoes:

And here is R with cupcake all over his face:

How could anybody be mad at this sweet face?