Sunday, September 30, 2007

Rough Week, But It Started Great

R got sick this week. On Monday night, he was drooling excessively and he was really horse and fussy. After typing a few key words into Google, everything came up saying to call your doctor. So, we called the nurse on call at 8 that night and she said that we should take him to the hospital because his drooling suggested that he couldn't swallow. We decided to go to Cook Children's hospital, thinking that it would be best to take him to a peditrician. We got there at about 10, and the waiting room was packed. After waiting for about an 1 1/2, we were starting to go backwards in line. Greg decided at that point we should go the new Mansfield Methodist Hospital, which is 10 minutes from the house (as opposed to the 40 minutes to Cook's). We got right in to see a doctor and they gave R a cute little hospital gown to change into.

The doctor ordered a chest x-ray,which I didn't go to because the radiology tech didn't want me there (apparently they strapped him into some kind of vice and he screamed). We didn't get home until 3 the next morning. Anyways, R has croup and to top it off, I took him to the doctor on Friday and he now also has an ear infection in both ears. He is miserable and has been weepy all week. When L is sick, he gets made, R just cries and cries.

Our week started off great because Greg and I went to New York for my birthday. Here are a few pics from the weekend. We stayed at the Waldorf Astoria and I think we must have walked a million miles. We did get to go to the Daily Show and Bill Clinton was the guest, it was a lot of fun. I don't know if you can tell in the picture, but Greg is standing at the corner of the building below the Daily Show sign waiting in line (which we did for a long time).

This is on top of the Rockefeller Center. The girl I asked to take our picture managed to not get the Empire State Building which is what we were trying to get. You can see the very top of the spire coming out of Greg's head.

New things that the boys are doing this week:
L can now hold up and show you the different foods that he has on his tray (for example, if you tell him to find the carrot, he can hold it up in the air).
L can also now find Goodnight Moon on the table, bring it to you and then put it back on the table when the story if done.
R hasn't done much of anything this week, he hasn't felt good. But he is able to stand on his own for a few seconds.
Cindi said that L loves to play with the toy vacuum at her house. He apparently pushes it around the house. In our next house, I want hardwood floors and I'll get L a Swiffer Sweeper and let him clean our floors.
I'll try to post again by next weekend. We are putting the house on the market on Friday and Greg has started his weekly excursions to Denver, so time is very limited at night. Nana was here last week to help out, but I'm on my own this week.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Another Week

Last week, Greg and I had the chance to take the boys on a little walk around the neighborhood. We haven't done that in a while because it has been too hot. The boys love their wagon. We used to take them in the stroller, but they enjoy it so much more like this. Hopefully now that it is starting to cool down, we can get out more. Maybe we can even manage to take the dogs along with us (that is definitely a 2 person job).

Week 2 of football was the past Sunday. I'm not sure how many more weeks there are to go, maybe 14 (that is probably being too hopeful). Nobody cried this week, although Greg almost did. He can't handle close games like this, he's going to have a heart attack, or a nervous breakdown, or teach the boys some inappropriate words.

I check on the boys every night before I go to bed and make sure that they have a paci within reach and put their blanket on them. When I checked on them this night, R had managed to lose his pants down to his ankles.

L is now walking all over the place. We have these bats that we got at the Rangers game and L loves to carry it around with him when he walks. I'm not sure how long it will take for him to figure out that he can hit his brother with it.

New this week: R and L are now sort of playing with a puzzle. They can roughly put the right pieces into their correct spot. It is not perfect, but it is close. L clearly said Mama during dinner. I walked out of the kitchen to get a washcloth, and L turned his head and said it. L is also playing with the pyramid ring toy. He correctly put all of the rings in the correct order on the tower tonight. L also said "car" today. He said it at Cindi's and he briefly said it at home, but we're going to have to work on it more to really hear it, he does not perform on demand. R has had a pretty good week. He is happy most of the time. Our least favorite time with him is during dinner when he starts to groan and turns red in the face to demand fruit. Other than that, he loves to play and climb all over me and Greg. Greg said that he stood on his own for a few second tonight, so maybe walking is soon to follow. My favorite time of the day with R is in the morning when I go into their room and his face lights up with a huge smile when he sees me and then screams with joy. L stands by the corner of his crib and dances back and forth and then throws his pacis over the crib.

Greg and I are off to New York City Thursday for my birthday trip. Nana and Grandad are coming to take care of the boys. This will be our first long trip away from them, but we know that they will be in good hands. We will miss them greatly, but we are also looking forward to eating out at a restaurant without them and waking up on our own.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Happy 15 Month Birthday and Opening Day of Football

The boys turned 15 months old on Friday. We celebrated by taking them to the doctor for their check-up and to get more shots. When we first started going to the doctor, I would never let the boys touch anything or play with any of the toys. I'm past that now. They had a good time playing with all of the stuff in the waiting room and then opening and closing drawers in the exam room. They were also both very loud while we waited. That was fine with us, because the doctor was next door with a woman who was sharing every detail of her daughter's daily routine and taking longer than her allotted appointment time. We love our doctor because she really spends time with us, but she also spends forever with everyone else. One time, we waited 4 hours to see her for an ear infection check-up. Despite all of that we will greatly miss her when we have to move. (By the way, we are moving to Colorado in the next few months - Greg is thrilled; me, not so much - I love my job and I love living here.) As for their checkup, they are doing great. The doctor was very impressed with how social they both are. She said her 15-18 month old babies usually cry while she examines them. Not R and L, they love to flirt with her. R now weighs 26 lbs, 3 oz (70%) and is 31 1/2 inches tall (55%). L weighed in at 29 lbs, 6 oz (95%) and is 30 1/2 inches tall (30%). L really does looks like he is slimming down, but he gained 3 pounds since is 12 month checkup.

Today is opening day of football for the Broncos. Greg continued the tradition set last year by yelling at the TV and making the boys cry. Besides that, they were really cute today in their Bronco Jerseys. Below are last year's opening day picture with Daddy and today's picture. L is in blue and R in orange in the first pictures. Today, L is on the left and R on the right.

I've been very busy with work and dealing with the stress of the upcoming move to post any this week. Hopefully things will calm down this week and I can find time to take some pictures and post. Some things that they have done this week - L did not have an ear infection, he was cutting 2 molars at the same time (that would make anyone fussy). R sorta has said a word - he is saying "ha-ppy." I'd love to think that happy is his first word, but I don't really think he knows what it means. However, at Cindi's, she thought he was saying "Abbie" which is her daughter's name and R loves her. It makes more since for him to say Abbie than happy. L is walking more and more and getting more steady on his feet, although he fell against the coffee table today and had his first bleeding incident (but it wasn't too bad). They are a ton of fun. Whenever I go out with them, people make comments about how hard twins must be. I always respond by saying that they are such good boys. I love every stage of their development. They are a lot of work, but they have been so worth it. I do wish that they would stop throwing their food, though.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Weekend with Nana and Grandad

R and L's Nana and Grandad came to visit them again this weekend. Grandad plays with them until he is absolutely worn out and Nana takes such great care of them that it allows me to take a little break. L is getting better and better at walking every time he tries. He walked all the way from the end of the coffee table to Grandad sitting in the chair on Friday - it had to be at least 10 steps. R has had a happy weekend. He continues to jabber and have entire conversations with himself. I think that he is perfectly capable of walking, but he's in no hurry.

We went to our local neighborhood Target Starbucks this afternoon and the boys got to see their friendly Starbucks person again. We haven't been in a couple of weeks but she still remembered my drink and was happy to see the boys. After Starbucks we stopped by Tim and Stephanie's for a short bit to say hi, and to visit Greg during their Fantasy Football Draft. R had a good time and behaved himself, but L was into everything. He's been fussy today and has had several temper tantrums. When he gets mad he flings himself backwards and hits his head on the ground hard (why?). I was thinking that he was being a little monster, but now I think that he might have an ear infection. The last time he acted like this, he had a cold and an ear infection. Both R and L have been very congested this week, so it is quite possible that he is sick. Of course the doctor's office will be closed tomorrow, so we'll just have to wait and see how he is doing Tuesday. They have their 15 month checkup on Friday, but L might not be able to wait until then.

R has started to really enjoy sitting inside of things. Here he is sitting inside one of his toy baskets. I guess what is the point of sitting next to the basket and playing with the toys when you can sit in the basket with them?

L loves to be thrown into the air and be "Super L." Greg is the only one who is brave enough to throw him this high in the air, but L loves it. As a point of reference, that is the door frame into the hallway behind Greg, so you can see how high he really does throw L up in the air. R likes it too, but he sometimes gets a little upset over the height. L is going to be fearless and a trouble maker, and R is going to be sensitive, but I think also manipulative. L climbed into a box lid with R today and R quietly shoved him out with 2 hands and a foot. I think we're going to have to keep an eye out on R because he's going to do a good job of always making it look like it's L's fault.