Sunday, September 30, 2007

Rough Week, But It Started Great

R got sick this week. On Monday night, he was drooling excessively and he was really horse and fussy. After typing a few key words into Google, everything came up saying to call your doctor. So, we called the nurse on call at 8 that night and she said that we should take him to the hospital because his drooling suggested that he couldn't swallow. We decided to go to Cook Children's hospital, thinking that it would be best to take him to a peditrician. We got there at about 10, and the waiting room was packed. After waiting for about an 1 1/2, we were starting to go backwards in line. Greg decided at that point we should go the new Mansfield Methodist Hospital, which is 10 minutes from the house (as opposed to the 40 minutes to Cook's). We got right in to see a doctor and they gave R a cute little hospital gown to change into.

The doctor ordered a chest x-ray,which I didn't go to because the radiology tech didn't want me there (apparently they strapped him into some kind of vice and he screamed). We didn't get home until 3 the next morning. Anyways, R has croup and to top it off, I took him to the doctor on Friday and he now also has an ear infection in both ears. He is miserable and has been weepy all week. When L is sick, he gets made, R just cries and cries.

Our week started off great because Greg and I went to New York for my birthday. Here are a few pics from the weekend. We stayed at the Waldorf Astoria and I think we must have walked a million miles. We did get to go to the Daily Show and Bill Clinton was the guest, it was a lot of fun. I don't know if you can tell in the picture, but Greg is standing at the corner of the building below the Daily Show sign waiting in line (which we did for a long time).

This is on top of the Rockefeller Center. The girl I asked to take our picture managed to not get the Empire State Building which is what we were trying to get. You can see the very top of the spire coming out of Greg's head.

New things that the boys are doing this week:
L can now hold up and show you the different foods that he has on his tray (for example, if you tell him to find the carrot, he can hold it up in the air).
L can also now find Goodnight Moon on the table, bring it to you and then put it back on the table when the story if done.
R hasn't done much of anything this week, he hasn't felt good. But he is able to stand on his own for a few seconds.
Cindi said that L loves to play with the toy vacuum at her house. He apparently pushes it around the house. In our next house, I want hardwood floors and I'll get L a Swiffer Sweeper and let him clean our floors.
I'll try to post again by next weekend. We are putting the house on the market on Friday and Greg has started his weekly excursions to Denver, so time is very limited at night. Nana was here last week to help out, but I'm on my own this week.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

So sorry to hear you have a sick little one! And I will keep you in my prayers this week. Usually my husband only has to be gone for a few days at a time, and not very often, but I sure do miss him while he's gone! It really makes you have a new appreciation for single parents, as well as military wives. Hope R starts feeling better soon!