Thursday, September 20, 2012

Cub Scouts

The boys had their first Cub Scouts (Tiger Cubs) meeting this week.  They loved it, especially since they were entertained by a magician (Ryan's future career ambition).  Greg and I struggled some this summer about putting the boys in scouts or not this year.  We tend to not over-react to inflamed media/political issues.  But we were disappointed in the national organization's stance on allowing people who are "different" to be excluded from the organization.  But just like many national platforms of large organizations - the official policy doesn't always reflect the values at the local level.  Overall, we believe Scouting is a great organization and our boys will only benefit from it.  We can teach them about acceptance, tolerance and respect at home and hope that their values will help to influence others in all of their future endeavors.  In the meantime, they are now members of Pack 461 Den 4 with 8 other 1st grade friends.  They can't wait to make their boat for the Rain Gutter Regalia next month and they are looking forward to the Pinewood Derby and the end of year campout.  Greg and I aren't super excited about the popcorn fundraiser, but we can get over that.

1 comment:

Grandad and Nana Corbell said...

Hi ...... LOVE to see those little guys in their BSA uniforms ! Thanks to you and Greg for being open-minded and allowing little grands to experience and participate in the MANY life-lessons they'll learn by being in the Boy Scouts. You are awesome parents; we love ya'll :-)