We had our first snow of the year this week. It wasn't really that much snow, but it was heavy enough to knock our power out for almost 2 days. That wasn't really a lot of fun. I spent much of yesterday either throwing everything out of the refrigerator and freezer or under a couple of blankets reading a book. Fortunately, the boys had school and it is my Fall Break this week, so that was helpful to the situation. We spent the first night with Jonny and Jenny and I was prepared to rough it the 2nd night in hopes that the power would come on soon. I bundled the boys up in 2 layers of pj's, wool socks, and under 4 blankets in my bed for the night. But the power came back on at 8 pm - so that was a huge relief.
I also got the boys out this week to take their annual pumpkin patch picture. This one wasn't really in a pumpkin patch, it was in front of Whole Foods, but the display was nice and convenient.

I also finally got a picture of Greg and the boys in their Bronco gear. We've done this on opening day every year, but Greg was out of town for almost every game in September, so this was our first weekend to get around to it. Here are the past years' pictures. This weekend was also Greg's chance to watch his first football game downstairs in the basement. I must admit it is a really nice setup. I've watched a few movies down there this week, and the best part is that I couldn't hear the TV at all on Sunday while Greg was watching football.
Lastly, a super sweet picture of Luke with Teacher Bob.