Last Saturday, we made Leprechaun Traps and launched rockets. Greg got Ryan model rockets for Christmas and they have been waiting for the snow to melt and for it to be warm enough to launch. The day finally came this past weekend. All 3 boys had a blast.
Ryan loved pushing the button to set off his rocket - although he did find it a little loud. But after each launch he ran around saying "that was awesome" and shaking both hands up and down to emphasize his excitement.
He really liked retrieving the rocket after it landed.

Luke was equally intrigued - although I think Greg had the most fun.
Also on Saturday, we made Leprechaun Traps for the boys' school. This was something that I've never heard of, but apparently it is a big Kindergarten project. Luke tried to build his trap as soon as he found out about it last Monday. He kept telling me he had seen some on Google and he wants his trap on Google, too. He created a couple of prototype traps during the week, but we built the real thing on Saturday.
So apparently, the idea is that you set a trap for a Leprechaun to steal gold - but before he can get to it, he is trapped in some way. Both boys opted for the hidden trap door version. Luke created his all by himself.
Ryan had a great time, too - he needed a little more help, but he did most of it himself.
Ryan and his finished project and Luke and his below.
They take them to school this week and I think we set them outside on Saaturday to see if we can catch a Leprechaun trying to steal our gold.
Greg brings the boys a "treat" every time he goes out of town - which is a lot, so they've accumulated quite a collection of things. Greg went to Las Vegas last week and found this giant alien for Ryan. Ryan loves it and he carried it around with him all weekend.
Everything is going good. We had their parent-teacher conference a couple of weeks ago and both boys are doing great. Luke is excelling in reading and math and is already at the same level as an end of year 1st grader. Ryan has made great strides since our last conference with his teacher in January. We have been working with him a lot at home with reading and with time management and his teacher has seen a huge improvement. He is already where he needs to be to be ready for 1st grade in the fall. The goal for us will be to keep the momentum going and not lose any ground over the summer. Both boys love school and they have always loved to read or be read to - Greg and I will work to keep school and learning fun, but we'll also do a ton of fun summer stuff - we can't wait for the pool to open - but for now we'll settle for our upcoming Spring Break.