Monday, May 21, 2012

Last Day of School

 My babies are finished with Kindergarten.  They had a wonderful year and they are now so excited to be a "grader" - their own term for any kid at their school grades 1-5.  On their last day of school, they had an Author's Day and then a picnic on the front lawn.  The Author's Day was really cute.  They each showed us the books that they have written this year, as well as their memory books - it was really neat to see how they have progressed from the first day to the last.

Luke enjoyed drawing on the sidewalk during his picnic.
 Ryan enjoyed playing with the bubbles.  He also really wanted a birthday crown and he his teacher was nice enough to give him one on the last day.
 Luke and his wonderful first teacher.  She was born to teach Kindergarten and he couldn't have had a better start.

 Ryan and his great teacher.  She is super experienced and was really good at helping him to control his sillies and focus.  He made some really big strides this year.

And of course - here they are on their first day of school - they have grown so much.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Field Day

 The boys had Field Day this week.  I had told them that this is one of the best days of the school year in elementary school.  So they had high expectations and I don't think they were disappointed.  Ryan is above cheering his classmate on in the 40 yard dash.
 Ryan on the bouncy ball thing.  He liked to cheat at this one and run more than jump.
 But he was a great cheerleader.
 The K-2 grades had class activities.  Apparently they do the individual competitions starting in 3rd grade.  I always loved the track and field type stuff.  But the boys did a ton of fun stuff, including playing with the giant parachute which is always a fun kindergarten activity.
 Ryan also had fun playing with the lacrosse stick.  This is apparently one of the fastest growing sports in America - I don't see a future in that right now.
 And the most popular activity was Star Wars Tag - which was hilarious with 25 kids playing at once.  Ryan was tagged here and was waiting for a blue teammate to come by and set him free.
 Luke had a blast with his class.  He and his sweet little best friend had a great time turning the hula hoops into props rather than using them for their intended purpose.  Typical Luke stuff - I think they were playing some kind of game involving volcanoes and piranhas.
 Luke and his best friend, Henry.
 Star Wars Tag - Luke was practicing his Darth Mal pose.
 Small glimpse of the class chaos of the activity.
 Field Day was originally scheduled for Monday, but it was rained out.  Wednesday ended up being a beautiful and hot day - lots of water was in order.  Overall it was a great day and a good way to help wrap up a great 1st year of school
 Luke waiting for instructions with the parachute.   


Friday, May 4, 2012

May the Fourth Be With You

Today is Star Wars day - which turned out to be the perfect day for the boys to each have a friend come over after school and play Light-saber Tag.