A neighborhood mom hosted a back to school breakfast before school on the first day. All of the kids were ready and waiting for the school bus.
We ended the summer by heading to the pool the day before. The boys always love it when Greg comes along. They love being throwing into the air. I just don't have the arm strength.
It's not really Greg's favorite thing to do - but he's a good dad to indulge them.
We went to a wedding this past weekend, as well. This was the boys' first wedding, they'll have another to attend in October. Ryan wanted to wear a tie and Luke asked if he could wear his Abraham Lincoln suit. We settled on new shirts and ties. They were so handsome.
I had to go back to work before the first day of school. Nana and Grandad were kind enough to come and stay/play with the boys.
Poor Grandad was asked to paint the playset again. It didn't happen last summer, so it was in pretty bad shape. Grandad spent most of the week sanding, replacing boards to the roof, and painting. He did have a little help this time with both boys. They were promised a trip to the Lego store at the end of the week for their help.
I know I say it and think it all of the time - but I can't believe how fast they are growing up.
First day of 1st Grade
First day of Kindergarten
First day of Preschool