Thursday, July 12, 2012

Backyard Camping

The boys and I had a camping trip this week in our backyard while Greg was out of town.  They had a great time and I got several "thank you Mama"s out of it throughout the day and night.
 Due to the fire ban, they made their own pretend fire in the chiminea and pretended to roast marshmallows.
 We ate hotdogs outside - complete with paper plates.
 They loved their marshmallows even though they weren't really cooked.  They liked the ice cream that we had later better - but they thought it was fun to pretend to roast them.
 Ryan was all ready for bed.
 As was Luke with all of his animals.
We slept as well as can be expected for camping.  The 3 of us shared the 1 air mattress (with my feet hanging off the end) because I didn't want to set up the big tent for just the 3 of us.  We took a long walk before bed, so they were pretty tired by 9.  Luke went straight asleep and Ryan came inside once to tell me that Luke was asleep.  I slept until about 5:30 when an airplane woke me up - I went inside to go back to bed and the boys followed me in - they ended up sleeping until 9:00.  One of the huge benefits of backyard camping is being able to go inside to sleep in your own bed once the sun comes up.  I don't think they have ever slept that late before.  I can't wait until they feel old enough to sleep outside by themselves - maybe by next summer.

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