I know that it has been a long time since I posted about the boys. Rather than try and remember all that has gone on, I'll be quick.
1. I got a job!! I'll be working as a part-time counselor at Heritage High School in Littleton. I think it is a great balance that will allow me to work and spend time with the boys.
2. The boys and I went to Lubbock last week while Greg worked in New Mexico. We had a great time with family.
3. The boys are saying "please" and "thank you." They will say please when they want something, but will only say thank you when asked to, but at least it is a start.
4. We can finally start looking for a house. Greg and I are having a good time looking at houses online and we're anxious to start looking for real. Our main criterias are a good kitchen and a big backyard for the boys.
5. The boys are now in love with Sesame Street, as well as Cars. They love "Momo", Cookie Monster and Ernie. L knows that the remote control will get Sesame on (due to TiVo), and he'll play with and listen for the TiVo sounds to get as far as the Now Playing menu. Pretty soon, he'll have it all figured out.
6. L has become completely obessed with his pacifier. We've only allowed them to have their pacis in their beds for almost the last year. However, with his new toddler fits, he becomes totally unglued and wants his paci for comfort. He calls it "bobo" which sounds nothing like paci, so we're not really sure what that is all about. At any rate, we've been fighting the paci battle almost daily. He's real polite about demanding his paci between screams, he does say please.
7. R has good days and bad days. Fortunately most days are good, but when he has bad days, they are awful. Today was one of them. I was on the verge of getting him the t-shirt "My Mommy Drinks Because I Cry." His bad days consist of constant whining and crying for absolutely no apparent reason. His good days are great. He's a sweet loving little boy who loves nothing more than to make us laugh. Thank God he has mostly good days or we'd go completely nuts.
8. L is a budding artist. He loves to draw all of the time on his magna-doodle. Below is his smiley face person. If you look real closely you can see its eyes, nose, mouth and hair (which is all around his face).
Below is a video clip of the boys playing Uncle Kent's drums. We went over a couple of weeks ago for Kent's birthday and R and L found the best toy to play with. They are playing with Kent's friend, Vince, from Las Vegas. He's a real professional drummer who is the musical director for Blue Man Group in Vegas. He had a great time letting them bang on the drums.