Monday, November 17, 2008

First Snow!

We had our first snow on Friday and the boys were so excited. The weather people totally didn't call for the amount we got and so when I went downstairs to leave for work and saw it I shouted to the boys that it had snowed. They started yelling "snow" (which sounds more like no) and ran down the stairs. They wanted to go outside in their pj's so bad that they got quite upset when we wouldn't let them. Greg let them help him shovel snow off the driveway (really more for their benefit than actual need) and they had a blast. We let them play outside the next day in the back yard and they loved making and throwing snowballs at each other and us. I'm glad they enjoyed it, it is supposed to be 77 degrees tomorrow.

New things:

Luke loves to be "tucked in" when we put him to bed at night. He then wants to "rock-a-bye Luke" (sounds more like uke) and monkey. This is part of his new bed time routine and it has really helped to get him to stay in bed and go straight to sleep - he's usually in the same position when I check on them before I go to bed. The times that he doesn't go to sleep right away, he stands at the door and screams for us. When we go in he walks to his bed and says (very calmly, esp. after he's been screaming for 10 minutes) "tuck in Luke." That is usually all it takes. I wish it worked at nap time.

Ryan is finally saying yes - and he is saying it at appropriate times and answering questions with it - what a relief!

I asked the boys on Friday about their school - who are the friends and what do they sing in music. Ryan started to tell me some of his classmates names - I couldn't understand everything he said, but I did catch the names of the kids I recognized. I asked them what they sing and couldn't understand what they said, so I started naming possible songs. I asked if they sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and Luke sang the whole thing to me. Tonight when I was getting his PJ's on he started singing "Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear turn around..." I haven't done that one with them, so he must of learned at school, but he knew the whole thing.

I leave you with a picture of Ryan during nap time. I have to separate the boys during nap in order for at least one of them to maybe fall asleep. I put Ryan in my room last week and he was really quiet the whole time. When I went to wake him up at about 4 he was totally crashed out on my bed, with the toilet plunger in his hands! I had closed the bathroom door before I put him down, but he can now open doors. I found his bear in the bathroom (his usual sleeping mate) and Ryan sleeping with what he wishes could be his new favorite toy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

maybe Ryan was inspired by Joe the Plumber :)