Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Nice Day at Home

The boys and I enjoyed the best weather today. It was in the upper 60s with no wind and sunny. As a result, the boys spent their morning and afternoon in the backyard. Their favorite place to play is not in their wonderful playhouse (which they do still love), but in the doghouse. They like to both crawl in there, play with rocks, and talk to each other. It is really quite funny. We also had the wonderful opportunity today to babysit Baby Thomas. I had so much fun playing with him and watching him watch the boys. He is a really good baby and it was a nice change from 2 year old behavior. Below are pictures from today and this week.

Ryan in the playhouse.
Can you see Luke's red nose. It is from his chalk, which he carries all over the backyard.
I wanted Ryan to put his hat on before he went outside, in his usual comedic way chose to put on 3 hats.
Luke pulling Ryan in the wagon.

Luke said, "My turn, bro."
Baby Thomas sleeping in Ryan's bed-it wasn't that long ago that Ryan slept like that (in that same blanket).
Ryan playing with his cousin.
Luke drew a slide. Can you see it, as well as himself, Ryan and Daddy on it?

This is from earlier in the week when Luke was in one of his clingy moods. He wanted to hold Daddy's hand, so here is Greg standing next to Luke while I was getting dinner ready, holding Luke's hand.
Isn't he such a handsome little Ryan? What happened to my baby?
Lastly, is a video of Luke drawing tonight. He draws his best pictures on his magnadoodle because he likes to erase when he messes up. I was hoping for a short video, but he was being quite a perfectionist tonight, so it took a little while.

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