- The Pixar Parade was great - I'm glad we made it back for that. The boys got to stand right up front and even got to give a high five to several of the characters. Luke was observant and not too involved, but Ryan clapped to the music the whole time.
- The crowds were small the whole time and we only had to wait in line for more than 10 minutes on a couple of rides (and even then it wasn't for more than 20 minutes).
- Ryan had the best time playing in the Bugs Land water feature. Luke stayed back after he got just a little wet, but Ryan was soaked. I ended up spending over $40 to get him a new shirt and shorts because he was so drenched (and it was almost evening by then and we were planning on staying for the fireworks).
- Greg halted the ferris wheel ride so we could get off before I had a meltdown. That thing was terrifying - don't ever go on it. Remember the picture of the boys in front of the big ferris wheel in the previous post? That innocent looking ferris wheel is its own house of terror. The cars don't stay still and go around and around - instead they move on their own on a roller coaster track to the middle of the wheel and back out as it goes around - during this free fall the whole car swings back and forth (nonstop) at at 90 degree angle and you're not strapped in. I can do roller coasters - I love them - but this scared the crud out of me. Ryan said he wasn't scared, but Luke was, although he wasn't crying. I didn't freak out while I was on it, I told Luke to close his eyes because that helped me - but afterwards, I couldn't stop laughing about horrible the whole thing was. I was glad Greg made the decision to stop the ride because the whole thing would have lasted 9 minutes.

Below, Luke is holding the Mickey Mouse candied apple that we ate for dessert last night. And above, Ryan had a blast getting soaking wet.

Today we went to the Coronado Island Beach. This was the boys' first experience with the ocean and a beach. They had a great time until the end when Ryan got pretty wet in the super cold ocean water and had a meltdown. I don't really care for beaches because I don't like how the sand sticks to everything, but overall, the boys had a blast and it was totally worth it. We're going to be staying a beach resort in Mission Bay the last 2 nights, so we'll definitely go to the beach again (although I don't think we'll get Ryan back in the water).