Thursday, October 7, 2010

Our Little Artist

Luke has started an art class at school. Most days when he comes from school, he pulls out his crayons, pencils and paper and goes to town drawing a variety of pictures. He also brings home a portfolio of drawings and paintings every day from school. Because the boys go to a Montessori preschool, Luke is free to spend every day creating pictures if he so desires. They are often a variation of a car that can fly or of a person - but he loves it and he comes up with some pretty creative things (like the laptop that he made, for example). I left work early today so I could see him do his art class - it was really cool and I can tell that he loves it.

Week 1 - this is either a panda bear or a lion - I've heard him say both.

Week 2 - a Bald Eagle (they are focusing on endangered species the first few weeks) - apparently the tail is on the bottom and the wings are on the top.

Today - a buffalo's head. The art teacher talked to the kids about buffaloes and that they are really bison in the North America. She then asked the kids if they could give him a name. One little girl named him Sylvester. Luke raised his hand and named him Baby Buffalo.

Today's medium were pastels and colored pencils.

This is a sweet picture that Luke made for my Aunt Jane earlier this week.

Ryan is taking gymnastics at school. He is loving that - he likes to demonstrate what he gets to do each week. I'll have to send Greg to watch and take pictures one day - it is right after lunch and I'd have to take off a whole day to see him (I took him to gymnastics for 6 weeks earlier this year). I love that they have their own distinct personalities and interests in things.

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