Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween Sunday

The boys love Halloween and I love seeing how much they get into it each year. I knew that last years' Harry Potter costumes would be the last time that I would be able to select their costumes, so I figured the coordinating costumes had come to an end. I was thrilled when both boys came up with the idea and agreed to be Mario and Luigi for this Halloween (from the Super Mario Brothers Nintendo game). I opted to make their own costumes rather than buying the pre-made version - partly because I thought it would be cheaper (which it was not) and partly because I thought they would turn out much better (which they did). We started our Halloween festivities on Sunday by going to the Wildlife Experience. Uncle Jonny, Aunt Jenny and Thomas joined us for a nice indoor trick-or-treating event. Tommy was a super cute little bee and the boys loved seeing all of the other kids in different costumes.

Both boys fell asleep on our way home.

After a brief stop to show Papa and Grandma the boys' costumes we headed home for neighborhood trick-or-treating. In the past we've only taken the boys to a 3-4 houses and then headed home, but this year we walked around the neighborhood. Ryan had so much fun. He ran from door to door and had to be physically stopped at times from running up to a house that didn't have the porch light on - after every house he asked if we could do another house. Luke had a blast but then got tired and asked to go home once we turned the corner onto our own street. Both boys did a great job of saying "Happy Halloween" and "thank you" at almost every house - but they have now moved on from Halloween and are looking forward to Thanksgiving, because that means Christmas is next.

Pumpkin carving with Daddy.

Have you ever seen 2 cuter little boys with mustaches?

Halloween pictures from the previous years:

2009 - my all time favorite costumes - I had these planned when I found out I was pregnant with 2 boys.



2006 - One of my all time favorite pictures of them.

Who knows what they'll be next Halloween. Luke has said that Ryan will be a bat and he will be a ghost - but then later he said that he would be just plain Luke. They have a whole year to ponder it.

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