Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas in Denver

We had a wonderful Christmas in Denver. We hosted the Christmas Eve party this year that Greg's family has every year. It worked out great for everyone. I got to keep the boys home and cook for a bunch of people (which I love to do) and everyone else got to come over and relax and enjoy. Greg's brother Bill did just fine in a new environment and I think he will be excited to come over again next year.

On Christmas, the 4 of us stayed home and had a nice quiet day together. The boys woke up about 6:30 (which is actually somewhat late for them) and we headed downstairs to see what Santa Claus left for them. The boys were thrilled that Santa brought the requested Marble work and helicopter. We opened the few presents that we had for each other and then ate breakfast and spent the day relaxing, watching Toy Story 3, playing with new toys and enjoying the beautiful warm weather outside (Greg was even able to take the boys on a long bike ride). We also spent a little bit of time getting ready to head to Lubbock the next day. Greg asked the boys if they had a favorite present and Ryan said it was his marble work and Luke ran upstairs and brought back the new strawberry toothpaste that was at the bottom of his stocking.

Ryan's new remote control car - from his Papa and Grandma - our wooden floors are perfect for it and he has had a blast driving it around the house.

Tommy was fascinated with the boys' scooters - I wish I had been able to get a picture of him standing on it while the boys pushed him around the house.

Luke got a total of 3 art sets for Christmas - he is thrilled about that. He spends a large amount of his day drawing pictures and now he has some great art supplies to help him out. He even spent most of Christmas day laying on the floor in the kitchen writing and illustrating his third book - Christmas, by Luke (I'll have to post it sometime - it is so sweet).

The boys were excited to leave milk and a cookie for Santa and a carrot for his reindeer.
They were even more excited the next morning to see that Santa drank all of the milk, ate most of the cookie and took the carrot with him.

One of them got a working stethoscope and they spent part of the day listening to every body's heart. (including the cat).

Luke and his art sets.

We are now in Lubbock and Nana and Grandad have a new addition to their family - Lucy, a 10 week old miniature dachshund. We will be having our third family Christmas on Wednesday before Greg and I leave for California - I'll be sure to post pictures of this week as well as some of the many pictures of Ryan with his new little best friend.

1 comment:

Dalis said...

That dog is adorable! Now I want one. :)