Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Technical Dificulties, but Still Here...

The lack of blog posts is due to several things. The main one being that we've been really busy and I value the little down time I can get every night by going to bed early in order to read (currently Harry Potter 7 for like the 4th time, still just as good as the 1st time). As a result, I haven't wanted to stay up after the boys go to bed to blog and our weekends have been so full of stuff that I haven't had any time then, either. However, I did sit down on Sunday and tried to update things a little bit, but I discovered that the connection from my camera to the computer is no longer working. So until we figure out if it is my camera or my computer that is the issue, no pictures. And it is no fun to post about the boys taking a 4 week flag football class if there are no hilarious pictures to include.

Everything else is going great around here - we are all looking forward to being out of school, the boys are done next week and I'm done the 2nd week in June. We have plans to go to an art camp at the Denver Art Museum, lots of time at the pool, a 5th birthday party (can you believe they will be 5!), a visit from Nana and Grandad (and Lucy the dog), getting our basement finished, and a trip to Lubbock (just me in the boys driving) - all in the month of June. Stay tuned - hopefully there will be pictures soon.

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