Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring Break and the Tooth Fairy

 We had a great Spring Break at the end of March.  The boys and I hung out at the house for the first couple of days, then they went to an art camp one morning, and then Stephanie and her kids came to stay with us for the rest of the week.
 We went to the zoo one day - along with everyone else in Denver - it was super crowded, but the kids had a great time and it was a beautiful day.

The highlight of any trip to the zoo with the boys is eating Dipping Dots outside the monkey house.  I've been doing this with them since we first moved here (they were about 18 months).  It gave me a chance to take a few close-up pictures of their sweet little faces.

 Luke was such a sweet boy with Mackenna.  He helped us out by making sure that she stuck with him.  He did not like it, however, when I would ask him to go and get his girl.
The best part of the week for Ryan is that he finally lost his first tooth.  It had been loose since January, but we haven't pushed for trying to get it out.  His adult tooth even started to come in behind it, but he wasn't ready for us to pull it out.  But after bath one night, he wiggled it a little and it started to bleed.  I told him I would have to pull hit out and he started sobbing - but then he asked that only I take it out.  Greg and I looked at each other, not really knowing how to pull a tooth - but after a few wiggles and a little twist, it came right out and Ryan immediately stopped crying and said, "hey, that didn't hurt!"  He was so excited and Luke was devastated (none of his teeth are loose yet) - but Ryan promised to share some his dollars with him that the tooth fairy would bring.  Ryan also wanted to leave a note for the tooth fairy to ask her her name - she wrote back to tell him it is Mathilda.
Overall, it was great week and it really got us all excited for summer vacation - it can't be here soon enough. 

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