Tuesday, August 28, 2007

He Walks!!

L took his first steps tonight! I know that this is an awful picture, but it was the best I could do considering the circumstances. My camera is very slow and L only can take 2 or 3 steps before collapsing. We are so proud of him. R has almost always been the first to do anything. When they were little babies, it seemed that L was about 1-2 weeks behind anything that R could do. It took L almost 5 months longer than R to just roll over and then it was a good while after R could crawl, that L was finally able to pull himself forward. Of course, he is a big boy and he has had more to work with. But once he gets a task down, he has been able to master it faster than R. I imagine he'll be running before long.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Yay! That's actually (I think) a great action shot!