Sunday, January 6, 2008

Sick Boys and New Shoes

Well, both boys are now sick. They each have a cold and L has a double ear infection, as well. R has been drooling like crazy. We haven't seen him do this since he had that thing stuck in his vocal cords. I think he is teething, because one of those real sharp teeth in the middle just popped through and the other 3 are close. We stayed home yesterday and they slept quite a bit. R had a fever after one nap, but he's been ok since. Today, they were ready to get out of the house, so we took them to the mall. They got StrideRite gift cards for Christmas from their uncle in aunt and Denver and their Grandma and Grandpa. Their current tennis shoes are a full size too small.

R completely lost it when we took him out of the stroller to get his foot measured. As soon as I let him go he made a bee line to the door and almost ran out into the mall with only his socks on. R's new shoes are a 6 1/2 W. Neither boy usually has an issue with strangers. R in particular loves to put on a show when people smile at him. But I think he just didn't feel good today and was tired.

L did much better with the measuring. He wasn't too sure about what was going on, but he was at least cooperative. As soon as we put the new shoes on him, he stomped around the store and loved them. His new shoe size is a 6 1/2 XW. Because of their wide feet, we have to get them nice shoes. Fortunately, they were on sale. I was going to get the same shoe in 2 different colors, so we can quickly tell who's shoe is who. But only one color was on sale. However, for half the price, they can get the same exact shoe and I'll check the tag before putting them on. Now we have enough left on the giftcards to get them shoes for the summer.

The boys are now finally eating of plates. I've been putting their food directly on their tray or on their place mats when we eat out since the beginning. I know that they would have been thrown on the floor if I had given them plates much earlier than now. So far, they are doing good, plates have been picked up off the tray, but not thrown on the floor. We're still working on utensils. They are given a fork, but they use their hands more often.

Below are some random pictures I took today of the boys playing.

L giving his brother a kiss.
Nice view of L in his tunnel. In his defense, he does not fill the whole thing up, he was partially standing in this picture.
New this week:
L helped me put their dirty clothes in the laundry hamper tonight. He loves to help out and he loves being asked to do things. He's a big show off, anyways, so I plan to use this as much as possible to get him to help me get things done. He did a really good job of putting everything individually into the basket and he made sure that each piece was all the way in. He wouldn't let any part of a shirt or pants to hang over the side (like me).
I almost got R to help me clean up toys tonight. He started putting them in the bucket, but when I went to another part of the room, he had proceeded to dump all of the toys back out. I know he understands, but he's rather lazy and difficult to motivate. But he is also so sweet and loving.
We have some serious packing to do. We didn't get any done this weekend. It is really hard to work on it with the boys here. But we should've taken advantage of the nice weather to work in the garage and attic. It was in the 70s here this weekend. Fortunately, Aunt Conny had just given us a bag of Jacob's clothes and we had some short sleeve shirts for the boys to wear. I hadn't planned on them having to wear anything but long-sleeved until we at least moved to Denver (it is January after all, even in Texas). My mom will be coming sometime soon to help me pack the kitchen and breakable items up, I'm hoping that she won't be too disappointed in the lack of progress we've made. It will all get done in the end, it has to because the new people are moving in 2 days after we plan to move out.

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