Wow, what a week. I've intended to blog all week, but I haven't had the chance. Greg has been gone part of the week and I don't have a chance to upload pictures and blog when he is gone. I think I had more time when I was working. That was partly because I would upload pictures at home and then blog at work the next day.
We had a wonderful Easter with family. The four of us went to church on Sunday morning and then joined Greg's family for brunch after church. Kent and Tara came over for dinner and hid Easter eggs for R and L's first Easter Egg Hunt. The boys got Easter baskets from their Nana and Grandad and cute Gymboree clothes from their Grandma and Grandma. We got the boys toy cars, toy trains, play food, and play house cleaning toys. Below are pictures from the day.
L in his Easter best.
R at the church nursery. I couldn't get a good picture of his face, but he's so cute in his little pants and belt.
The boys' Easter baskets.
R and his Easter breakfast with his basket from Nana.
L putting all of his Easter eggs in his breakfast bowl.
Uncle Kent and Aunt Tara helping L put an egg in his basket.
R didn't really get into the Easter egg hunt. He would pick up an egg, but then put it back and move on to something else.
L, however, as you can see, really got into the hunt. He collected almost all of the eggs and claimed both his and his brother's baskets.
Nana and Grandad also got the boys a toy of their choice for Easter. So the three of us went to Toys R Us last week and picked out an Inch Worm ride-on toy. R really likes it. When they get the hang of it a little more, then they can bounce up and down and make it move. In the meantime, they can scoot it along with their feet. R actually took quite a tumble on it this week. He started at the top of the driveway and pushed himself forward. I didn't realize the slope of the driveway and before I could get there, he went all the way to the end of the driveway and flipped over the toy and landed on his face in the street. He cried for a few seconds, but didn't hurt himself at all. The tricycle comes from the hundreds of dollars we have spent on diapers and the countless reward points I collected from the packaging. The payoff resulted in a top of the line Kettler Ketrike for the total cost of $15 to cover shipping. Below are pictures of the boys playing with their new toys.
We had wonderful weather on Tuesday, so Greg and I took the boys to a park that Stephanie and I found last week. It has a toddler play area that is designed for smaller children. It is a really cool park pretty close to our house. It might be where we have the boys' birthday party because it also has a covered pavilion and picnic tables next to the playground. Both R and L had a blast climbing, sliding and swinging.
I also took the boys to a mall in Denver that has a large indoor children's play area, but I forgot my camera for that. They had a great time playing on the giant breakfast food toys. L loved to climb on the waffles with syrup and R loved to slide down the bacon. Both boys really liked to climb in the bowl of shredded wheat with blueberries. I'll have to take my camera next time.
Things the boys are doing the week:
R is in love with the movie Cars. He could sit for hours and watch it. The boys got a Lighting McQueen car and a Fred truck in the Easter baskets. R is in love with both of them. Yesterday he held them both while watching the movie, brought them both to the table for dinner, took a bath with both of them, and went to sleep with one in each hand.
L has become my little diva. He insists on picking out his own socks in the morning. He usually picks out 3 and has me put them all on him so he can pick out which one he'll wear for the day. He also loves to wear his jeans. This morning the only jeans that he could wear were his new ones that are too long (3T). I had to roll them up and he threw a huge fit because he couldn't see his socks over the cuffs of his jeans. I ultimately took his jeans off and put on sweatpants, he then was put in his bed until he could calm down. R could care less what he wears.
I leave with a video of the boys wrestling this afternoon in our bed. It is mostly of L rolling on top of R, but they were both having a good time. We're going to the car show tomorrow, so I'm sure I'll have pictures to post from that. Have a great weekend.