We had a great weekend with the boys. On Saturday, we took them to a state park east of Castle Rock that has a paved trail. R and L had a great time running off the path and picking up every rock and pine cone that they could find. L in particular loved to throw any size rock or pebble
into any size puddle he could find. Greg and I of course ended up carrying them around for most of the trail. They've gotten really bad at asking to be held all of the time (especially L). They say, "hold Mama" or "hold Daddy" over and over again. L will even run in front of us and try to grab a hold of the front of our leg to make us pick him up in order to move on. After our "hike" we went to lunch where L ate an entire chicken
quesadilla by himself. I think that he could sit at the table all day long and eat if we would let him. I have to declare him done half the time in order to move on with the day and to get him to stop eating. From lunch, we all went to a bicycle store and I got my birthday present, a new bike. The boys had a blast running around the store and riding the kids' bikes around. Thank you Greg for a wonderful birthday gift. My parents (thank you so much) have gotten me a bike trailer so the boys can ride around with me. I can't wait to get that in and try it out. Greg can't either, he thinks it will be a really funny picture.
This is homecoming week at the high school where I work. Last night was the chili cook-off and bonfire. The four of us went and the boys had a great time watching all of the crazy high school kids and the bonfire (especially when one kid threw a firecracker into the fire). The boys didn't eat chili, but they enjoyed the
quesadilla and the guacamole that we had picked up for them to eat beforehand.
New things going on:
R has "pee-peed in the potty." I got them a little portable potty to start introducing them to potty training. I know that they aren't really ready yet, but you have to start somewhere. Right now, they are sitting on their potty while I run their bath water. And 2 nights ago, R went. I think I startled him when I started cheering him loudly. L loves to sit on the potty, but nothing is happening yet.
R is continuing improve on recognizing his letters and saying the
ABCs. He really seems to know almost all of them. He does confuse some of them, such a V for Y, but he is doing really good. He can say his
ABCs when he sings them with us or L, but when it is just him, he almost says "A, O, A,O" over and over again.
L loves to ride on Greg's shoulders. He surprised us the other day by saying to Greg "on my shoulders," meaning he wanted to get on Greg's shoulder (Greg has asked him in the past if he wanted "on my shoulders").
One of our most favorite things about R is how genuinely happy he is to see us. He loves to say "hi Mama" and "hi Daddy" over and over again. It is so heart warming to come home and have him so excited to see me. L tends to look up, and sometimes says hi, but he doesn't really care unless it benefits him.
I let the boys play in the sandbox today and L had the best time dumping half the sand on R's head. I had the hardest time getting enough of it out to even let them come in for a bath. The bathtub is was full of sand afterwards.
I leave you with a video of L singing the ABCs at dinner and R singing his favorite part of it, "XYZ, yeah!"