Tuesday, January 13, 2009

All By Myself (sorta)

Greg is in Florida for his company's annual meeting, so me and the boys have been on our own since Saturday morning. We are often on our own, but this is for a longer stretch, plus it spanned over a weekend. We've done pretty well.

We stayed home on Saturday and went to Barnes and Noble on Sunday. Last time I took the boys there, Ryan had an absolute meltdown when it was time to leave (which meant leave the train table). This time, I gave him about 10 warnings over a several minute time period that we would be leaving soon. So, when I said it was time to go, he put his train down and said "bye bye choo choo." The purpose of our visit was to get a new movie, WALL-E, which we then watched later that day. That is one of the best movies I have seen in a long time (really, I rarely see any movies). Ryan fell asleep and Luke lost interest at times, but I thought it rocked. Luke is now obsessed with me drawing Wall-E on his magnadoodle. Last night he asked me to draw it before bed and then wanted this magnadoodle/Wall-E to stay on his pillow. He ended up sleeping with me later on in the night, but he woke up at about 3, went to his bed and brought the magnadoodle back to my bed so Wall-E could still sleep with him.

Yesterday it snowed. Alot. I don't mind snow, but when the weatherman on the 10pm news says that it will only be trace amounts with no accumulation, and then there are like 6 inches on the ground when I get up in the morning, I don't like it. I had to work yesterday and take the boys to school. It took 40 minutes to get to the church (usually about 10) and I still hadn't had my coffee (I'm out of my white chocolate sauce needed to make my morning mocha), so I had to go to Starbucks-I finally made it to work much later than I had planned, but that happens.
Another thing that I don't like about snow is that when Greg is out of town, I hate having to shovel-but it is done.
Today, Ryan woke up with red watery eyes and was very fussy. I took him to the doctor and he has Luke's eye infection (from last week) and an ear infection. He is now on medicine (and motrin) and will hopefully feel much better soon. It has been since we left Texas a year ago that boys have been sick enough to go the doctor-we've now made 2 visits within a week. I'm grateful for their health-I think this is only Ryan's 2nd ear infection.

Greg will be home tomorrow and we will all be happy to see him. The boys have been very good, but it does get exhausting to have them by myself for this long. It was easier last year when I was still in Texas with the boys and Greg was working here because the boys weren't 2 1/2 then-this has been a difficult age at times. They are so funny and they say and do new things every day, but the terrible twos really do exist, they just didn't show up in my boys until fairly recently.
Now pictures:
Ryan on his "bicycle" - he actually pedalled for a very short distance on his own this weekend.
Luke and his picture of a baby. Note the hair, eyes, nose, ears, and mouth - I think he has really good fine motor skills for his age-but I'm bias.
Baby Thomas in the Bumbo. Jonny and Jenny came over on Friday for dinner and we were able to give them the rest of the stuff we had brought from Lubbock. Thomas was 6 weeks old on Tuesday and he looks like such the little man in this picture.
Ryan and Luke with Baby Thomas. It wasn't that long ago that they boys sat in this Bumbo.
Ryan in the Bumbo at 2 1/2 and in August of 2006-so at about 2 1/2 months.
Have a great week!
Below is the video of the boys with Stephanie. I've delayed putting it up because it is sideways, and I can't get it to rotate-so here it is, just turn your head to the side.

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