Not a whole lot has been going on with us lately. Ryan throws several fits on a daily basis (he had 2 timeouts at Target today) and Luke continues to shriek and scream when Ryan just looks at him funny. Greg had 2 glasses of wine earlier this week and commented on how the noise/fights don't pierce his eardrums quite so much with the wine - I totally agree. We did go another bike ride on Saturday and went to a nearby park on Sunday that we hadn't visited before. Greg went out of town Monday - Wednesday and I had the pleasure of having them as my only company. Overall, it was fine - just a lot of fighting and screaming, made worse by the cold weather which has not allowed us to go outside. I did take them Chick-fil-a today (or Chicken-lay as Luke calls it) for lunch and to play on their indoor playground. I've also realized how much Luke loves to play games (Animal Scramble, Memory, puzzles), so we went to Target today to find some that were age appropriate. Below are pictures from this past week.
For something different to do this week, we played dress up with Halloween costumes. It wasn't as peaceful as it looked. Initially Luke wanted to be Batman, so I dressed Ryan up in Robin - but then Luke changed his mind and threw a major fit because he wanted to be Robin. Thankfully, Ryan doesn't care about such things, so he was fine to change into Batman.
Luke drew this picture of his family on Saturday. He told me it was "Mama, Daddy, Luke and Ryan walking on the sidewalk." I did help him with the K, but he did the L, U, and E himself, as well as the rest of the picture. This will definitely be framed soon.
Luke coloring with markers.
Ryan at the playground.
Another thing we did this weekend was transfer our home movies onto DVDs. All 4 of us had so much fun watching videos of Baby Luke and Baby Ryan. Most of what we watched was from when the boys were 6-12 months of age. It amazing to watch how much they've grown (and in Luke's case shrink in fatness). Greg said he thought it was funny how calm we were on the videos-we just sat and watched them played and it was so quiet. I know people have said that the first year with twins is the hardest, but I'd have to say I miss those days. They were a lot more work back then, but they didn't scream, hit, bite, or talk back - so in that way, it is a lot harder now.
Lastly, a video of Luke playing a game. A counselor from school gave me a spelling game that she had used with her kids. I don't know what age it is for, but Luke loved it-Ryan didn't. I was surprised to see how well he knows his lower-case letters. He loves to be challenged and gets so excited when he plays games.
P.S. Nighttime battle is over and we won! They are both asleep within 10-30 minutes after going to bed. Ryan still cries, but only for a few seconds now, but Luke is completely silent. I have now tackled naptime. Luke is almost always a good napper, but Ryan is not (although at school they say he is the first to fall asleep). For the past 2 days, I've put him in my bed (with no Sesame Street or Thomas) and sat in bed reading my book with him until he has fallen asleep. It took about 30 minutes yesterday but less than 5 today. I'm determined to win this battle, as well.
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