Both boys got really sick last week. On Tuesday, Cindi called to tell me that R had thrown up when he woke up from his nap. I left school immediately and went to pick them up. We wrapped a towel around him for the trip home in case he threw up again. He had already done so when I got to her house and he threw up on my dry clean only shirt. Anyways, R made it home
ok, but L threw up twice all over his car seat. The three of us spent the evening in the living room catching vomit and calling the doctor (Greg was in Denver). I stayed home with them the next morning and we made it through the day
ok. They were both fussy and lethargic, but no more sickness. On Thursday, I got them ready for Cindi's and we made it to her house on time. However, when she opened the door, she said that her daughter had just thrown up. So we left and spent another day at home. That worked out nice for the boys. They were able to rest and we had fun together that day (plus I got to stop by Starbucks on our way home). The real negative to all of this was that I was home alone. L's
carseat had to be cleaned up and washed and I needed more
Pedialyte, but the boys were in no condition to leave the house (plus L's
carseat was out of commission). I had to call a friend who sent her husband over with
Pedialyte and apple sauce. Good times!
New this week:
We are trying so hard to get R to walk. He is so cautious. When L walks around he falls over half the time. R would fall to pieces if he fell, which is why he chooses to crawl. I'm hoping that we can get him to walk by Halloween because his costume will look so much cuter if he is standing. But things don't look too good in that department right now.
L is talking, but we don't really catch what he is saying. I think he might have said banana this morning at Cindi's. He had the right number of syllables, but not the pronunciation. He has also been working on the word car.
We are going to go the State Fair this weekend, so I'll take some cute pictures there. Greg is off to New Mexico this week so we're on our own again. We'll be fine as long as everyone stays healthy.