Saturday, October 20, 2007

Sunglasses, Slides, and Toilet Paper

The boys had a pretty good week. R is feeling much better now, and is no longer quite as weepy as he has been. They got their flu shots on Wednesday, so I brought them to school before their appointment. L had a fantastic time walking up and down the hallways. One person said that he leads with his belly and a few kids mocked how he walks like Frankenstein. I took them yesterday to the local Methodist church's pumpkin patch for pictures. I need to go through them before I post, so check back with that later. The picture above is of the boys watching Sesame Street with their sunglasses on.

R has discovered his slide. The boys have occasionally tried to climb up the slide part before, but R figured out how to climb up the ladder and go down on Thursday night. This has turned into a great toy that has provided him with tons of fun. He is such a monkey. I find it funny that he cannot walk, but he loves to climb up on everything. I discovered him standing on our ottoman and reaching for a lamp earlier this week and Cindi has said that he is now climbing on her couch. He is so afraid to walk, but he wants to get on top of everything.

While getting bath ready on Thursday, R and L discovered the toilet paper. They have played with it a little before, but this night, they unrolled the whole thing and had a great time doing it. Greg thinks it is waste and I should have stopped them, but I think a few cents can be lost for their amusement with a toilet paper roll. They laughed the whole time they were unrolling it.

New things this week: R and L have a new favorite show, much to my disappointment. They love Wheel of Fortune. I personally hate the show, but they love watching the wheel spin around. It comes on at about the time I am getting dinner ready, so it is good distraction for them while I get it done (rather than them yelling at me through the gate). However, I am not going to encourage this new found entertainment, and we will either keep the TV off or watch a Baby Einstein video.

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