Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Halloween 2007.

Halloween 2006.

Tonight, R and L experienced their first real Halloween. Last year doesn't really count since they were only 5 months old. They had a good time in their costumes. R even wore his Darth Vader hat for a short bit. L tried to go into a couple of people's homes and run out into the street a few times (fortunately we live on a very quiet, low traffic street). R even accomplished our goal of walking by Halloween. He did manage to take a step few steps on his own in his costume.

R as Darth Vader. He even has the voice thing down now, since he's been sick.

L as Yoda. He is about the right size of the real one. All he needs now is a light saber.

Daddy, L and R. I attempted to get a good picture of the boys together, but they would not cooperate, especially L.

This was after we got home and both boys were upset that we were trying to get them back inside.

First Halloween candy. R liked the Reese's Pieces, but L spit them out, so he settled on raisins.

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