R finally started walking tonight!! He is such a catious boy, besides being part-monkey and loving to climb on everything. He has just needed to get his confidence up and take a step, which he finally did today. He only took a couple of steps, but it is a start.
Nana and Grandad joined us this weekend for Boo at the Zoo in Fort Worth. L dressed up as the cutest Yoda you have ever seen. R was Darth Vader, but he wouldn't wear his hat, so he looked more like a boy in black with a cape. If we're really lucky, I'll get a picture of both of them standing by themselves on Halloween. R had a great time riding on Grandad's shoulders all night and hanging onto his ears. L had a great time walking all over the zoo. I think he had to be the most admired costume there, I think we heard "Look at Yoda" a hundred times.
As promised, I've finally posted the Pumpkin Patch pictures. These are from a little over a week ago. The boys had a great time playing and climbing on the pumpkins.
New things this week:
Besides the great news that R is finally able to walk, he has the croup again. Either that, or he never got over it a month ago. I took him to the doctor on Friday because he is still hoarse. She ordered another round of steriods but said that if he is not better by Tuesday, she'd send us to an ENT.
L has been a complete spitfire lately, especially tonight. When he doesn't take good naps (like today) he acts at night like he's had a shot of my espresso. He was all over the place tonight getting into everything. While I was getting their bath ready, he threw a book and both pairs of shorts into the bathtub. Then while I fishing those out, he started unrolling the toilet paper. After his bath, he peed all over the carpet and Greg.
On a good note for L, he is able to say car and cross. I have a wall of crosses in my hallway and I was pointing them all out to him today, and he repeated it to me several times (although cross sounds alot like car). But he is able to point out pictures in books if you tell him to find certain objects.
I have posted alot more pictures on Shutterfly of Boo at the Zoo and the pumpkin patch. So if you're interested, here's the link: http://share.shutterfly.com/action/pictures?a=67b0de21b3549e55a4dd&sid=0AaNnLVs2bMmLDeA
1 comment:
YAY!! R is mobile! It is so exciting when they can walk by themselves! And I just love their costumes! S had croup recently. It was fun. Hope R gets to feeling better soon!
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