Thursday, June 26, 2008

Where We've Been

I lost my camera charger during the move and my camera is completely dead. Therefore, no posts have been written. Also, moving is a lot of work and we've been too busy to do anything else. I have ordered a new camera charger and I also took a couple of really cute pictures today with my cell phone, but pictures will have to wait for another day. Here is an update on what the boys are doing:

L never shuts his mouth from the time he gets up in the morning until after he goes to bed at night. I couldn't even count how many words he now knows and says, he must learn at least 20 new ones a day. His favorite thing is still to name what items belong to different people.

Greg and I took the boys to the pool on Saturday and I took R by himself on Tuesday and L by himself yesterday. L is completely fearless with the water. He does not seem to understand that once the water is higher than him, he can no longer breath. He would get as far as he could before we'd stop him, and then he'd say and sign "more wawa." R is easy at the pool. He is content to splash in the area that is safely for him. There is no way I can take them both to the pool by myself like I did last year. L is able to pull himself out of the pool and run to the deep end faster than I can keep up with him. I'm thrilled he loves the water, I loved swimming as a kid. The boys are also adorable in their little swim trunks (which almost go down to their ankles), their baseball hats and sunglasses. They are the most styling kids at the pool.

The boys have had their Nana here to help us move for the last few weeks. She left this morning and they cried and screamed all the way home from the airport. L is funny in that if he gets scolded by me, he says "Nana, Nana" as if she can save him from his mean mother. Thank you mom for helping us out, it made things a ton easier.

I will post pictures later. We're doing good and loving the house, especially the backyard. We put so much of our stuff in storage when we moved in January that I don't even know where to begin to unpack it all. Plus, I lived without it for a few months and don't really feel like digging it all out again. However, it will be nice to make this place our home, and our familiar items will definitely help that. Have a great week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dalis just gave me your blog address! I'm so excited that you have a place where we can keep track of what's going on with you all! Please email me your updated contact information so we can keep in touch.