Thursday, December 24, 2009

Santa Claus and Broncos

After 3 trips to the mall, the boys finally got to see Santa. I am usually pretty strategic about things. I hate waiting in lines and I'm usually amazed how people will follow everyone else and never look around for the shorter line or the faster way to do things. However, this year, I failed in that with Santa. In the past, we've gone to see Santa right after Thanksgiving in the middle of the week when there are no lines. This year, things got too busy. One week the boys were sick and the next week it was incredibly cold and then Greg was out of town. So that brought us to the week of Christmas without seeing Santa. One of my requirements with Santa is that he has to have a real beard, so I knew the Santa at Park Meadows did - so we headed out Monday night. The mall has this new thing that you check in and get an appointment time. By the time we got there on Monday, all times were full, but we could stand in an additional long line and hope to get in that evening. We decided to come back the next day. I was going to take them the first thing Tuesday morning but Greg said he'd go if we could wait until lunch. When we got there this time, the next available appointment was 3 hours later or we could make one for that evening, we chose the latter. Santa is done and we've learned our lesson, we will be there early next year. All in all, the boys did great. Neither were scared to see him and Luke asked for the movie Up and Ryan asked for a new car (Greg is out buying Ryan a new car right now).

Waiting in line for our "appointment."

On Tuesday evening, after Santa, we went to Hudson Gardens for their Christmas light thing. We went to Zoo Lights last year, which is great, but it is on the other side of town and Hudson Gardens if 5 minutes away. It was really nice and Ryan in particular was really excited to see all of the lights.

Above, Luke catching snowflakes with his tongue. Below, Ryan enjoying hot chocolate afterwards at McDonalds.

Last Sunday, Greg and I went to the Bronco v. Raiders game. Denver lost, which was devastating to Greg, but I still had a good time. We had tickets on the first row, which was really neat.

Our plan tonight for the boys' Christmas is to put them to bed in our room and then dismantle their cribs and put together their new big boy beds along with their new Dr. Seuss room decor. I know we'll be up all night, but I think they will be so surprised to have a new room. We haven't talked at all about new beds with them, so I think they will be really excited.

A short video of the boys going in to see Santa.

And pictures of the boys with Santa from the last 3 years.

Merry Christmas!

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