Tuesday, April 13, 2010

We've Been Busy and Happy Easter

It seems like we've had something going on every night since Easter. I don't even remember most of what we had to do, but I do know I haven't had time to blog. The boys had a blast this year having an Easter egg hunt, this was the first year that they really understood the point of the whole thing. We took them to an Easter egg hunt on Saturday at a local garden store and then they got to have one in our backyard on Sunday. On Sunday morning, Luke looked outside and saw that there were Easter eggs and said that it had rained eggs the night before.

On the hunt.

Greg and I went out at about 11 Saturday night to hide Easter eggs around the backyard, flashlights in tow.

Greg thinks that dying Easter eggs in an important tradition, I don't really agree - so he did it. It was such a mess that he might rethink that next year.

Last Wednesday we went to the car show. Ryan had the absolute best time "driving" every car.

Yesterday we transplanted our surprise garden to larger pots. The boys helped for about 2 minutes and then left me with the rest.

Video of our Easter Egg Hunt.

Lastly, pictures from Easter past.

Last year when I had to bribe Luke with a jelly bean to smile and Ryan cried because I combed his hair.

2008 - the age when it was impossible to get them to sit still together long enough for a picture.

I couldn't find the picture of their first Easter, but this is at about the same time.

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