Wednesday, April 22, 2009

From Snow to Sun!

We've had beautiful weather since our nasty snowy weekend. The boys and I spent much of the last 2 days outside. Not alot has gone on this week - everyone has been in a good mood, Luke seems to be feeling better and Ryan's attitude has been positive. The only recent issue we've had to deal with is with Ryan thinking it is ok to push Luke for fun. He is having a hard time understanding that it is not ok to run up and push his brother while he is standing on a chair or on the stairs. Below are pictures from the last 2 days.

My little hoodlum.

Ryan on the tire swing that the previous home owners were nice enough to leave.

New outfits that Nana and Grandad got them - I love the shorts.

Riding tricycles on the sidewalk. They can't pedal yet (or won't) so they walk.

The little red dot at the top of the picture is Ryan-he moves fast, Luke is much slower (plus he gets distracted with all of the rocks and pine cones that he can collect along the way).

Luke is starting to spell a few words and can now write many of his letters - here he wrote CAT and then drew a little picture of a cat below. He loves the alphabet and likes to sing the sounds that all of the letters make.

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