Monday, September 28, 2009

One Week at a Time

We had a busy week last week with Greg out of town. It was my first week to have them on my own and work full time since we left Texas. It worked out ok, but I was tired by Friday. We had a good and relaxing weekend to recover. We went on a short hike on Saturday and I took the boys to the movie to see Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs on Sunday while Greg stayed home and watched football. I also got my house clean, for the most part, and put fall decorations out. Above,the boys like to help me with laundry.

The boys have really enjoyed looking at the blog in notebook form that Linda made for my birthday. They like to look at "Baby Luke" and "Baby Ryan" and ask a million questions on what is going on. Luke's favorite part is finding the pictures of the cakes and cookies that I've made and Ryan likes to look at himself.

Ryan carrying Davis back inside after he got outside.

2 Videos: The first one is the boys singing one of their favorite songs to sing with Greg, White and Nerdy. Greg is a geeky Weird Al fan, and this is one of his songs - Ryan especially loves to sing it and Luke likes to strike a gansta pose. Second video is of the boys looking at the blog notebook. Ryan has to ask what is going on in every picture.

Lastly, a picture for Luke - Ernie riding Davis.

Happy Birthday to my sister. Ryan sang her the sweetest version of Happy Birthday tonight, but I failed to record it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Candy, It's Betty!
Ryan and Luke..
Mandy and I just watched your video. I can not believe you are so wonderful
and big. We saw your plane trip
to Tx. G-Nanny is still beautiful
also. Love You guys