Sunday, March 14, 2010

I Have Feelings for You

It is almost Spring Break and I can hardly wait! We are getting new carpet installed on that Monday and then I plan on painting the living room and kitchen. We had a good week and the boys enjoyed getting a hold of my camera and taking random pictures. Yesterday, I took the boys to Lowes to buy seeds and a windowsill greenhouse so we can grow our own surprise garden (one of their favorite books). Luke wanted to plant something the day before and the only thing I could come up with at the time was Goldfish crackers. He "planted" them in our flower bed and the next morning at 6:30 he shot out of bed and ran downstairs and went outside to see if his fishies grew - he was disappointed to find that the dogs had eaten his "seeds." So now we are really growing a garden and maybe we can actually eat something out of it (it is possible, I had an herb garden last year that was successful).

This was Luke yesterday creating his "car parade" on the windowsill.

Silly Luke

Ryan took this picture of me and Luke planting our garden.

Ryan's picture of the stairs.

Luke's picture of me and Ryan planting our garden.

New things:
  • Ryan got into trouble last week for being uncontrollably crazy so I took him into the other room to talk to him about his behavior but that we love him, etc. Luke wanted to talk to me too, so when I was done with Ryan, Luke came in and said, "Mama, I have something to tell you, I have feelings for you." He is the sweetest boy - he tells Greg and I both that he likes us often and he also tells me that he likes my cooking (he also says that he likes my recipe, my oven, my camera, my bed, etc.).
  • Ryan seems to enjoy his new class and we really like his teachers and the information that we get from them.
  • We started planning a summer vacation and decided on taking the boys to California. We told the boys the next morning that we were going to go to Disneyland when they turned 4 and they got excited. Then we told them that Mickey Mouse lives at Disneyland and they got really excited. Apparently one of the kids in Luke's class went recently because Luke started telling us about the map of Disneyland that this kid brought to class and about the train we can ride. Ryan told his teacher the next day that we were going to Disneyland and that Mickey lives there - the next night they wanted to call Nana and Grandad on the computer to tell them the same thing.
  • Picture at the top: we made pizza earlier this week and the boys got to help me roll the dough out.
Not a whole lot else going on, just looking forward to getting though this week to make it to Spring Break.

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